• The Path Forward To A Free Humanity

    January 31, 2022
    Secretary Henry M. Paulson, Jr. hosted a meeting of the G7 Friday at the Treasury Department. The Group of Seven Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors includes CanadaFranceGermanyItalyJapan, the United Kingdom and the United States. The meeting precedes the fall gatherings of the IMF and World Bank in Washington

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    Guest post by Rob Cunningham

    In the fog of war, clarity and objectivity are usually the first to go. Placing all deceptions aside, we are enduring the most deadly, sophisticated, global war in history. The tactics are unconventional, the methods perverse and the warring opponents unlike any we’ve known. The weapons are lies, misinformation, “science”, intimidation, threats, defamation, libel, blackmail, insults, imprisonment, quarantines, lockdowns, masks, syringes, and experimental petroleum products.

    Why is our entire world so fractured and inflamed, with combatants being the minor ruling elite vs. multiple billions of humans standing in stark opposition?

    Throughout the course of recorded history, crimes large and small have most often been solved by “following the money” to discover the motive. Which party in this global war stands to gain the most by waging and winning this war? What might be the instigator’s ulterior motive?

    1) Does not every single piece of US paper currency have a unique serial number printed on each bill?

    2) We absolutely, in fact, have the technology in existence to assign traceable, trackable, invisible silicon onto every piece of paper currency in circulation - let’s hypothetically call this new “branded” currency “US Treasury Notes.”

    3) The exact same silicon and/or microscopic technology referenced above could easily be imbedded into the precious metals held by any government anywhere on earth..

    4) By simple computational measures, ALL issued paper currencies could then be reconciled (accounted for) to the exact value of precious metals held by any nation’s treasury.

    5) Open, transparent, reconcilable, and trust-less ledgers hosted on secure public blockchains, for all the world to inspect, can serve to validate the existence, or non-existence, of precious metals held by nations backing all their paper currencies in circulation. Simple math.

    6) “Crypto” simply means “technology.” Nothing fancy about the term, even if the name is mysterious, “cool” and/or “scary”, it’s generally misunderstood by most. This said, the simple, yet ancient accounting practice of reconciling credits & debits on a ledger, accurately and honestly, is the “magic” of crypto.

    7) The extraordinary power and “magic” of metals backed crypto (software) being used to reconcile ALL debits & credits, honestly and forthrightly, for the world to clearly see (when/if required), with zero reliance on “political trust”, is THE ultimate, disruptive game changer that holds the potential of wrestling centralized wealth, power and corruption from global bankers – and all those they finance and deceive.

    8) Crypto adoption will move our banking system from secrecy to transparency, trustlessness, permission-less, programmability, verifiability, safety and efficiency. People the world over, armed with political will and moral courage to demand a new financial system built upon accountability and sound money, stand on the precipice of the greatest financial system inversion in human history.. We deserve the untold benefits that can flow from rejecting the incumbent banker’s rigged, debt-based, fiat currency system.

    9) There is no dispute the proven technology and resources exist today to make this transition a reality. All the evidence we need to know the potential exists to reject the privately owned and operated, central banking system is to observe the fierce World War raging around us. One side is a narcissistic, tiny minority of humans who've long wielded power and control, a group experienced and comfortable waging wars and killing untold millions of humans to demonstrate their dominion over this world. The opposing side is a global majority of billions who seek freedom, liberty, safety, opportunity and the recognition of our unalienable birthrights.

    10) Human freedom or economic slavery? The choice is ultimately ours.

    The crypto community in America has rapidly emerged as a de-facto, independent political party with enormous power, influence, and wealth. Investors, employees, lobbyists, and supporters include every ideology, religion, age, and national origin. Politicians who vote in opposition of this new political coalition will do so at their own risk.

    CDMedia is being targeted and obviously too effective! We need your support to put more reporters in the field! Help us here!       


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    Just Moi

    This discussion is totally incorrect and comes from a false premise.

    The first problem is by giving the ability to track each and every dollar in use gives overwhelming power to the government and the elites. The average person does not have the ability, time or desire to "follow the money".

    The bigger problem is that the governments have the ability to create money from nothing without restraint. This is what has gotten us into this mess in the first place. Anytime a person or organization can write their own paycheck, without a concern for where the money comes from, will continue to place their needs first. This is the behavior of all bureaucracies.

    A solution is to tie the amount of money, in all its forms, to a standard that the elites cannot inflate, be it gold, silver, glass beads or any other thing. I know, it has been tried before etc etc. It does slow the government down, which is why they hate it.

    Rob Cunningham

    Thanks for your comments, Just Moi. No government owns the private blockchain systems. Governments can only distribute CBDCs (Central Bank Digital Currencies) that they create, control and monitor. The only major country on earth with a CBDC is communist China. No US citizen can be forced to adopt/use a CBDC, especially if their are 200+ privately issued digital assets accepted as tokens of value by other US citizens. Central Bankers and the US Federal Reserve will fight like hell to retain their exclusive monopolies over fiat currency creation, regulatory capture AND surveillance capitalism. Do we have the moral courage and political will to stand up to them and demand better?

    Missy Runyan

    Thank you Rob for your explanation. This makes perfect sense to me and YES! I have moral courage and political will to stand up to them!! I believe in GOD!!


    You will own nothing, and be happy.


    Thanks for your comments, Just Moi. No government owns the private blockchain systems. Governments can only distribute CBDCs (Central Bank Digital Currencies) that they create, control and monitor. The only major country on earth with a CBDC is communist China. No US citizen can be forced to adopt/use a CBDC, especially if their are 200+ privately issued digital assets accepted as tokens of value by other US citizens. Central Bankers and the US Federal Reserve will fight like hell to retain their exclusive monopolies over fiat currency creation, regulatory capture AND surveillance capitalism. Do we have the moral courage and political will to stand up to them and demand better?

    Andrew Benjamin

    You can find all you need to know about crypto, gold, gold bugs, ALT RIGHT by following Adam Smith

    For the ALT RIGHT passing through the MISES Institute: https://tinyurl.com/yyjuxtld

    The Prehistory of the Alt-right

    The Alt-right is probably better described as a 21st century incarnation of what in the 19th century would have been called right-Hegelianism.

    1841: Thomas Carlyle published On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and The Heroic in History, which popularized the “great man” theory of history. History is not about marginal improvements in living standards by using better tools, but rather about huge episodic shifts brought about through power. A champion of slavery and opponent of liberalism, Carlyle took aim at the rise of commercial society, praising Cromwell, Napoleon, and Rousseau, and rhapsodizing about the glories of power. “The Commander over Men; he to whose will our wills are to be subordinated, and loyally surrender themselves, and find their welfare in doing so, may be reckoned the most important of Great Men.”

    Carlyle's target was Adam Smith and the Scottish Enlightenment generally.

    Hitler’s biographers agree that the words of Carlyle were the last he requested to be read to him before he died.


    For Adam Smith, the father of American conservative economics, free trade and capitalism on which are based Milton Friedman and Arthur Laffer - do read the first few paragraphs:


    You can now understand that the ALT RIGHT is collectivism operating under disguise, and is opposed to Adam Smith's philosophy of free trade. There are no gold bugs withing genuine capitalist circles.

    I speak only from the point of a genuine ROGER SCRUTON conservative.


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