• Trump To Withdraw More Than 2,000 Troops From Iraq

    September 9, 2020
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    Image by Gage Skidmore

    In 2016, President Trump campaigned on an “American First” agenda. This agenda included the promise to end the United State’s involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan, where American troops have been since the 9/11 terrorist attack. As Commander-in-Chief, President Trump is following through on this campaign promise as he moves to bring more than 2,000 troops home from Iraq this month. 

    General Frank McKenzie, who is the commander of US Central Command, announced the plan to reduce the number fo troops in the country from 5,200 to 3,000. McKenzie said, “In recognition of the great progress the Iraqi forces have made in consultation and coordination with the government of Iraq and our coalition partners, the United States has decided to reduce our troop presence in Iraq from about 5,200 to 3,000 troops during the month of September.”

    McKenzie continued, “The US decision is a clear demonstration of our continued commitment to the ultimate goal, which is an Iraqi security force that is capable of preventing an ISIS resurgence and of securing Iraq’s sovereignty without external assistance.”

    Senior Trump officials alluded to more news about Afghanistan in the coming days to reporters on Air Force One Tuesday night. McEnany said on Fox News that Trump is following through on his campaign promises. McEnany said, “When he says ‘I’m going to end endless wars,’ it is not a slogan like it’s been for Democrats and past presidents. It is an actual truth. It’s what he wants to do, when you look across the world, he’s defeated the ISIS caliphate.”

    Trump met with Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi at the White House on August 20th, and McEnany said the draw down of troops was the “deliverable” from the meeting.


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