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The IRGC has released a warning in Hebrew saying 'The time of punishment is near' and displaying a ballistic missile.
The IDF is preparing for a preemptive strike on Iran.
This is the kind of Sword Rattling that can get someone hurt namely IRAN's leadership and or their nuclear sites. This sint something you can do a take-back or a tetraction on nor pretend it was accidentally posted/sent. No, this is crossing a line. I hope they thought it out good cuz Bebe aint gonna sit back a wait for the delivery.
....these moronic musloids better buckle up if they launch anything....Israel has them "bullseyed"....last wk was a time gloves off!
This is the kind of Sword Rattling that can get someone hurt namely IRAN's leadership and or their nuclear sites. This isn't something you can do a take-back or a retraction on nor pretend it was accidentally posted/sent. No, this is crossing a line. I hope they thought it out good cuz Bebe aint gonna sit back and wait for the delivery.
Correct me if I'm wrong here, but I believe they already shot 180 ballistic missiles at Israel the last go round. One was intercepted OUTSIDE the atmosphere. Not much of a "threat" if you ask me.
But, hey...if they WANT their butts glassed that's fine by me. Turn Iran into a parking lot, or better yet a solar farm to power Israel for free!
We could solve all this tomorrow. Bomb Mecca! Without a rock to worship, their entire sizzum falls on its ugly face and dies.
I’m surprised that the Mullas are still alive.