• Stormy Daniels Ordered To Pay Trump And His Lawyers Nearly $700,000

    April 4, 2023
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    On The Eve Of Trump’s arraignment - Legal Defense Addition And Then There Is Stormy Daniels…
    Image by The Circus

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    During the unprecedented arraignment of former U.S. President Donald Trump in New York on Tuesday, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ordered Stormy Daniels to pay an additional $121,972.56 to Trump to cover his legal fees stemming from a suit Daniels filed against Trump. 

    Collectively, Daniels now owes Trump nearly $700,000 as a result of a suit she filed which she lost against Trump.  

    Trump's son Eric announced the order via Twitter, saying "BREAKING!!! the 9th Circuit just awarded Trump $121,962.56 in attorney fees from Stormy Daniels. Order just released. This in addition to the roughly $500k she already owes him."

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    "The court awarded attorneys' fees to appellee Donald J. Trump under the Texas Citizens Participation Act," reads the order. "The court referred to the appellate commissioner the determination of an appropriate amount." 

    Trump’s attorneys had requested the exact amount the court awarded for 183.35 hours of work by Harder LLP and the Dhillon Law Group.

    The Ninth Circuit has previously ordered Daniels to pay more than $530,000 to Trump stemming from the suit. The court, in separate determinations, ordered that Daniels pay Trump over $292,000 and $245,209.67 to cover Trump's costs. 

    Trump’s indictment centers around a $130,000 payment by Trump’s former attorney Michael Cohen to Daniels allegedly for hush money over a sexual tryst. 


    Christine Dolan

    Christine Dolan is a seasoned Investigative Journalist, television producer, author, and photographer. She is Co-Founder of American Conversations whose format focuses on in-depth analysis of critical issues about “the story behind the headlines.”
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