• US Students Demonstrating Over Israel-Hamas Conflict, But Who Are They?

    October 25, 2023
    Image by Andrew Ratto

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    As the Mideast conflict between Israel and Hamas evolves and US Congress weighs in on Joe Biden's request for a gargantuan war package of $100 billion for Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan, and Gaza, college campus leaders are taking to walkouts. 

    More than 100 U.S. university campuses, including Princeton, Brown University, Columbia University, George Mason University, George Washington University, Rutgers University, New York University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, UC Berkeley, Stanford University, University of Pennsylvania, Tufts University, Yale University, and more walked out of classes on Wednesday to demonstrate for a cease fire and for their universities to sever their close ties to arms manufacturers providing Israel with its weapons, like Lockheed, Boeing, and Raytheon. 

    The organizers behind the national walkout consisted of a coalition: the Palestinian Youth Movement; the anti-war youth organization Dissenters;  Anakbayan, the national organization for Filipino students and young people; the National Students for Justice in Palestine organization; the Muslim Students Association; and others.

    There is no doubt the Mideast conflict has gripped students and activists igniting demonstrations both domestically and abroad. 

    The War between Ukraine and Russia, and now, in the Mideast East undoubtedly will be a top-line political issue during the 2024 presidential campaign, especially if wars expand further.  

    Last week, a CBS and YouGov poll found Americans largely mixed on the U.S. providing arms to Israel; another poll from Data for Progress found that 66% of voters who responded support a ceasefire, which increases to 70% when restricted to respondents under age 45.

    Data for Progress “is a progressive think tank and polling firm arming movements with the tools they need to fight for a more equitable future,” states their website

    “The goal of our walkout and moment of silence is to disrupt the day-to-day complicity on American college campuses across the US" to bring them into the movement for a ceasefire, said a Dissenters member.

    Anti-Semitic and Islamophobic hate crimes are on the rise. Following the Oct. 7 Hamas attack, six-year-old Palestinian American Wadea Al-Fayoume was killed at his home outside Chicago. 

    Over the weekend, Samantha Woll, president of the board of the Isaac Agree Downtown Synagogue in Michigan, was stabbed to death. She was a well-known Jewish community leader. 

    Last week thousands of US high school and college students walked out of schools to call for a ceasefire across California, in PhiladelphiaDetroit, and Boston

    Over 1,800 scholars associated with the Rhodes, Fulbright, Truman, and more fellowships are circulating a public letter with signatories calling for a ceasefire.

    Campuses including HarvardNew York Universitythe University of PennsylvaniaColumbiaCornell, and more have seen conflict and controversy among their student bodies, professors, and school administrations. 

    National Students for Justice in Palestine, who were criticized for calling the October 7 Hamas attacks “a historic win for the Palestinian resistance,” are facing campus bans from the likes of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and his chancellor.

    The US has so far supported Israel’s military campaign against Gaza, with a White House spokesman saying a ceasefire would only benefit Hamas.

    Within the democratic party, one letter signed by “every Democratic Jewish member and 128 other Democrats in Congress” backed a continuation of the Biden administration’s support for Israel, as well as humanitarian support for Gaza, and a resolution by Reps. Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, Cori Bush, and others calls for a ceasefire.

    On October 24, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken defended Israel’s military campaign to the United Nations Security Council, but said "humanitarian pauses must be considered" as Israel prepares for a ground invasion into Gaza. 

    Yesterday, the UN’s secretary general called for a ceasefire, saying the “appalling” Hamas attacks “cannot justify the collective punishment of the Palestinian people.” Today, he was shocked he was criticized. Some are asking for his resignation. 

    Bob Avian, Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, is a self-proclaimed communist, socialist, and maoist, who fundamentally hates America, capitalism, and firmly believes in “REVOLUTION NOTHING LESS.” 

    ‘NO AD’ subscription for CDM!  Sign up here and support real investigative journalism and help save the republic!  

    Another group Refuse Fascism is one of its spinoffs.

    In a June 2020 public statement, Avakian called for replacing the U.S. Constitution with his new 2010 Constitution for A New Socialist Republic in North America, which has been adopted by the Central Committee of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA. 

    RCP's Constitution calls for:

    • Abolition of capitalism, and the establishment of state economy
    • Atheism vigorously promoted
    • State-ruled economy
    • Means of production, private capital and wealth expropriated for the state without compensation
    • Only public education fostering communism
    • Supreme Court expanded to 15 members  
    • Inheritance limited by the state
    • Banking and financial systems state-owned and run

    Avakian has been in the business of revolutions since the early 1960s. He boldly promotes an atheist society, communist indoctrination of school children, no private possession, dismantling of capitalism, and promotes the expansion of the U.S. Supreme Court to 15 members. 

    Avakian sounds a wee bit like Klaus Schwab at the World Economic Forum. 

    Avakian endorsed Biden’s presidential campaign in August 2020.

    Even Avakian has weighed in on the Israel Hamas conflict. 

    “Yes, it is the case, as supporters of Israel continually insist, that there can be no “equivalence” between Israel and the Palestinians—but the reality is the reverse of what these supporters of Israel insist: There is no equivalence between the oppressor nation Israel, and the oppressed nation, Palestineand the actions of the Israelis are far worse, in a whole different category, than even the atrocities committed by Hamas, because Israel is in a much more powerful position to carry out, and does carry out, such atrocities on a far greater scale and much more frequent basis,” wrote Avakian. 


    Christine Dolan

    Christine Dolan is a seasoned Investigative Journalist, television producer, author, and photographer. She is Co-Founder of American Conversations whose format focuses on in-depth analysis of critical issues about “the story behind the headlines.”
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    And some of those groups are funded by Soros.

    B Seidem

    When the protesters get violent police should use rubber bullets with machine guns. Pain will help the madness of the protesters to run away.


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