• Impeachment Inquiry Moves Ahead Even Though National Archives Agrees To Release Unredacted Emails 

    December 12, 2023
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    For months, House Republicans have been claiming that the Biden administration has been stonewalling their multiple requests to turn over Biden’s unredacted  National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) documents during Joe Biden’s vice-presidency. 

    On Monday the agency wrote in a Dec. 11 letter, obtained by the Washington Examiner, that it would turn over 1,799 emails and attachments, which total 62,210 pages. 

    In August, House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) asked for unrestricted special access to unredacted emails and documents regarding the then vice-president and Hunter Biden and Burisma, the Ukrainian energy company where Hunter served on the board. The emails were released then, but they were heavily redacted.

    Subsequently, Comer demanded the unredacted version under “Case Number 2023-0022-F,” which is titled on NARA’s website as “Email Messages To and/or From Vice President Biden and Hunter Biden related to Burisma and Ukraine.”

    One of the House republicans’ main reasons for voting on President Biden’s impeachment inquiry has been the administration’s “stonewalling” for these documents. 

    But, there is a caveat. NARA is now asking that Comer to “protect such information from public disclosure” because they entail personal information.

    According to Comer, there are two other pending requests that NARA has not fulfilled. 

    “The White House is trying to make an appearance of cooperation after two brave IRS whistleblowers provided information revealing Joe Biden used an alias as Vice President to email directly with Hunter Biden’s business associate,” Comer said in a statement on Monday. “Just last week, President Biden lied again when confronted with information that he interacted with his family’s business associates. The White House must comply with all of our requests for records from Joe Biden’s time as Vice President and all other Committee requests related to the impeachment inquiry. Anything less is obstruction.”

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    This examination of the Biden family’s business deals has been in motion for quite sometime as earlier reported by Politico in 2019. 

    The House is expected to vote to formally authorize the impeachment inquiry on Wednesday. 

    Republicans are scrambling to secure votes to support its passage. While some were reluctant six-months ago, the tide seems to be turning. 

    There is "enough substantiation to move forward," said Congressman Mike Garcia (R-CA). "The executie branch made clear they're not going to cooperate with the inquiry unless we formalize it, so let's formalize it."

    "There are serious questions of impropriety. The White House and the president have yet to comply with requests for information and subpoenas," said Congressman Marc Molinaro (R-NY).

    The 14-page resolution can be read here. 

    If the resolution passes, it will give Congress a wide berth for subpoenas in the future. 

    The timeline created by the House Oversight and Accountability Committee about the Biden family’s involvement with foreign business deals and payments can be read here. 


    Christine Dolan

    Christine Dolan is a seasoned Investigative Journalist, television producer, author, and photographer. She is Co-Founder of American Conversations whose format focuses on in-depth analysis of critical issues about “the story behind the headlines.”
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