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    December 26, 2023
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    Federal Election Commission Hit With A Porn Scandal 

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    The Office of Inspector General of the Federal Election Commission released a report last week of an investigation that was opened in January 2022 after a staffer reported that several videos of nudity appeared on a shared government drive. 

    The investigation resulted in an FEC employee resigning  on June 30, 2022 after he was found to have violated agency policies after storing a large amount of pornography on his government-issued devices.

    The employee had stored 125 gigabytes of porn on his government-issued laptop. The forensic analysis found that some images were deemed "potentially unlawful.”

    The agency referred the matter to external law enforcement authorities, who closed the case due to insufficient evidence.

    The pornography stash included the following: 

    • 5 video clips of a "nude female performing various sexually suggestive acts" on the shared drive;
    • 22 files containing "inappropriate material" on a laptop issued by the agency in 2021;
    • 687 pornography videos on a government laptop issued in 2017;
    • 8,166 sexually explicit or suggestive photos on the 2017 government laptop;
    • Adult tourism guides and prostitution maps for Costa Rica, Italy, Mexico, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam. 

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    Christine Dolan

    Christine Dolan is a seasoned Investigative Journalist, television producer, author, and photographer. She is Co-Founder of American Conversations whose format focuses on in-depth analysis of critical issues about “the story behind the headlines.”
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