• House Moves on Hunter Biden’s Contempt of Congress Resolutions

    January 9, 2024
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    House Republicans on Monday introduced resolutions to hold Hunter Biden in contempt of Congress for failing to comply with subpoenas, claiming his decision to not appear violates federal law. 

    Both the House Oversight and Accountability Committee and the House Judiciary Committee released resolutions and identical reports to hold the president’s son in contempt.

    On the day he was subpoenaed to appear on the Hill, Hunter Biden defiantly went to the Capitol and held a press conference outside with his documentary team in tow filming him. 

    By failing to follow the subpoena, "Biden has violated federal law, and must be held in contempt of Congress," the committees said in their reports accompanying their contempt resolutions. 

    The committees want to figure out whether his father, President Joe Biden, was involved in any bribery schemes, abused his positions of political power as president or vice president, and knowingly participated in any scheme to enrich himself or his family, including through contact with foreign entities.

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    The resolution directs the Speaker to refer the contempt report "to an appropriate United States attorney, to the end that Mr. Biden be proceeded against in the manner and form provided by law," and it calls on the Speaker to "otherwise take all appropriate action to enforce the subpoena." 

    The House Oversight and House Judiciary panels are scheduled to hold markups Wednesday morning to consider the contempt resolution. 

    Hunter Biden and his companies received a boatload of money from foreign entities. Some of those involved in business with Hunter Biden and his clients have subsequently filed as lobbyists with the Department of Justice as required by law for those parties who lobby U.S. government on behalf of foreign governments.

    Hunter Biden has not registered, and has not been charged so far for violating those lobbying laws. 

    The House Judiciary Contempt Resolution can be read here

    The House Oversight Committee Resolution can be read here


    Christine Dolan

    Christine Dolan is a seasoned Investigative Journalist, television producer, author, and photographer. She is Co-Founder of American Conversations whose format focuses on in-depth analysis of critical issues about “the story behind the headlines.”
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