• Stormy Daniels First Round On The Witness Stand

    May 8, 2024
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    Photo from www.lukeford.net

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    Stephanie Clifford aka Stormy Daniels took to the witness stand in New York on Tuesday in a criminal case against former President Donald Trump over something that allegedly happened in 2006 that then morphed into a payment of $130,00 to Daniels in 2016 that was revealed in 2018, and that now has evolved into this criminal case in 2024. 

    The weeds of this sordid saga read like a slimy reality show script. 

    Female porn star struts her stuff at a 2006 golf tournament sponsored by the porn company she is attached to at that time. Porn star meets the TV Apprentice star. She agrees to have dinner with him after her publicist allegedly says, “What have you got to lose?” thinking the “meet” may help porn star's career. 

    Porn star has a rendezvous with The Apprentice star allegedly in his hotel suite, and allegedly has sex with him, and she says that act was consensual 18 years later in court on Tuesday.

    The porn star accepts $130,000 for her silence ten years later, and now claims she took the money after she signed the 2016 non-disclosure agreement (NDA) because she wanted to get her story out when The Apprentice star was running for president in 2016. 

    She then hired a lawyer to undo the NDA who ends up in jail for allegedly defrauding porn star.

    The porn star eventually writes a book, is interviewed by Anderson Cooper on 60 Minutes, by Pierce Morgan, appears on Jimmy Kimmel's late night show, and retells her night with The Apprentice star again strutting her stuff in a vulgar way on Kimmel’s show. No remorse. No embarrassment, but says much with lots of bravado. 

    The porn star launches her “Make America Horny Again” tour in 2018,  engages in podcasts, stands before cameras outside of a courthouse, and later hooked her new gained fame to a paranormal show called Spooky Babes about ghosts. Next, we may be told she speaks with them. 

    The porn star has inhaled her new-found publicity for years and now, in court on Tuesday, has testified that her alleged 2006 sexual tryst with The Apprentice star in 2006 created a situation of “power imbalance.”  

    That new characterization of the night in question certainly should raise eyebrows after 18 years.

    Daniels has clearly painted herself as as a proud and brazen hustler on her X accounttwitter.com/stormydaniels in the sense that she pushes an aggressively enterprising go-getter outspoken businesswoman.

    During Kimmel’s show, Daniels never mentioned anything about “power imbalance.” She was enjoying herself flippantly, and certainly seemed to enjoy the publicity as she vulgarly pointed to a tray of mushrooms.

    She has boasted how Trump was in pajamas when she entered his Lake Tahoe hotel suite in 2006 and she ordered him to change, which she says he did. 

    So, where is this "power imbalance?"

    The porn star laughed on Kimmel's show how she allegedly gave Trump a swat on his backside with a magazine which had Trump’s picture on the cover. She re-enacts that swat with Kimmel on the show.

    So, where is this "power imbalance?"

    In court on Tuesday, Daniels admitted that she “hates” Trump and wants him to be held “accountable.” 

    “Held accountable for what?”

    She was paid $130,000 to shut up about this alleged tryst and she did not.

    After Stormy Daniels signed the 2016 NDA and received the $130,000, then Daniels sued Trump for defamation supposedly because Trump denied the sexual tryst. 

    The court dismissed Stormy’s suit and Daniels now owes Trump a six-figure boatload of money for Trump's legal fees.  

    A porn star and adult film director trying to paint herself as a victim as Stormy Daniels has seems to shatter logic itself. 

    Daniels’ account of this alleged tryst with Trump is at the core of the first criminal trial of an American president. 

    Daniels has been in the porn business for decades. 

    Her excruciating detailed testimony on Tuesday has now morphed into that the alleged tryst left her "shaking" and "bewildered."

    Somehow that does not fit with the image and message that Daniels had exhibited and expressed in interviews with Cooper, Morgan and Kimmel. 

    Daniels also testified that she met with Trump a couple of times after the night in question ostensibly because Trump dangled a carrot before her to get her booked on The Apprentice.   

    So, which is it? 

    "Shaken and bewildered,"or so much ambition for "The Apprentice," which she thought would be good for her career that never panned out? 

    She admits she accepted the $130,000 with an NDA from Trump's former attorney, Michael Cohen.

    Yet, she takes great pride is talking about the night in question.

    So did Daniels really intend to shut up about this alleged tryst? 

    Did she fib to get the initial $130,000 because she never made it onto The Apprentice?

    In her testimony, Daniels denied on Tuesday being motivated by money during the talks for her silence, and testified that she was not paid on time — a delay attributed first to Cohen, then to Trump.

    In court Daniels attested to several times that she did not want money for her account of having had sex with Trump and that she wanted to “get the story out.” 

    The contradiction to her argument is obvious. She signed a non-disclosure to get the money, but wanted to get the story out. The intent of an NDA is silence. So, is the public to believe that she was hustling to get her story out via The National Inquirer, but only if paid?

    By Tuesday early afternoon, Trump’s lawyers asked for a mistrial, citing testimony from Daniels that they claimed was prejudicial because of its explicit content. 

    But while Judge Juan Merchan believed some of the things Daniels testified about were “better left unsaid,” he denied the request. 

    "Having said that, I don’t believe we’re at a point where a mistrial is warranted," the judge said.

    Susan Necheles, Trump's lawyer, asked Daniels about her desire for money. She said that Daniels went into pornography for money, and asked Daniels, “You wanted more money, right?” 

    Daniels responded deviantly: “Don’t we all want to make more money in our jobs?”

    Necheles moved onto Daniels social media posts about wanting Trump to be imprisoned, including one stating that she would “dance down the street” if he was selected to go to jail. 

    Daniels responded “selected” was the wrong word because she knows a person is not selected to go to jail.

    Necheles asked Daniels: “Am I correct that you hate President Trump?” 

    Daniels responded: “Yes.”  

    Necheles continued: “And you want him to go to jail?” 

    Daniels responded: “I want him to be held accountable.”

    Necheles successfully established that Daniels has refused a court order to pay legal fees to Trump after Daniel's defamation case against Trump was dismissed six years ago. 

    “I hope I don't have to pay him no matter what happens,” Daniels stated.

    Daniels acknowledged she had mocked Trump’s looks on Twitter, and seemingly justified it in her own mind by her reply. 

    “Because he made fun of me first," Daniels retorted. 

    It is always dangerous for a witness to get into a cat fight from a witness stand. That could easily raise the question of a witness' credibility in the mind of any juror.

    Daniels is due back on the stand on Thursday when Trump's attorney will continue cross-examination, followed by the prosecutor's rebuttal questions. 

    This is a developing story. 

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    Christine Dolan

    Christine Dolan is a seasoned Investigative Journalist, television producer, author, and photographer. She is Co-Founder of American Conversations whose format focuses on in-depth analysis of critical issues about “the story behind the headlines.”
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