• Stormy Daniels' Second Day On The Witness Stand Could Open A Floodgate Of Motives

    May 9, 2024
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    Image by DonkeyHotey

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    The Trump New York hush money trial resumed Thursday with the continuation of Stephanie Clifford aka porn star Stormy Daniels’ cross-examination by Trump’s attorney, Susan Necheles, followed up by prosecutor's rebuttal.

    The porn star and the defense attorney engaged in heated exchanges over Daniels' credibility and why Daniels took $130,000 to keep quiet about her alleged sexual encounter with Trump in 2006 when Daniels has testified that she wanted to get the story out at that point in time in 2016 while taking $130,000 and signing a non-disclosure agreement. 

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    “Why didn’t you do that?” Necheles asked Daniels, referring to why she did not just hold a press conference to tell reporters the details since Daniels has already testified to the fact that she was talking with other journalists at the time as "backup" plan.

    Necheles accused Daniels of refusing to share the story with reporters on the record because she would not be paid for it.

    “Because we were running out of time,” Daniels insisted.

    Necheles asked whether Daniels was referring to time to use the claim to make money to which Daniels responded with "to get the story out."

    “The better alternative was for you to get money, right?” Necheles asked. 

    Daniels said she was most interested in getting her story out and ensuring her family’s safety.

    “The better alternative was to get my story protected with a paper trail so that my family didn’t get hurt,” Daniels replied.

    Daniels was paid the money by former Trump attorney Michael Cohen to keep Daniels from going through with a story she gave to the media about the alleged sexual encounter she had with Trump in 2006.

    “You have a lot of experience in making phony stories about sex appear real?” Necheles sniped. 

    “The sex in those films is real, just like the sex in that room,” said Daniels, referring to the alleged incident with Trump. “The character themes might be different, but the sex is very real. That’s why it’s pornography, not a B movie," snapped Daniels.

    “You’ve acted and had sex in over 200 porn movies, right?” Necheles asked. “And there are naked men and women having sex, including yourself, in those movies?” the defense lawyer noted.

    “But according to you, seeing a man sitting on a bed in a T-shirt and boxers was so upsetting that you got lightheaded. The blood left your hands and feet, and you felt like you were going to faint," asked Necheles.

    “I came out of a bathroom seeing an older man that I wasn’t expecting to be there,” she said.

    Daniels has never reported this before during other interviews with Anderson Cooper, Pierce Morgan, or Jimmy Kimmel, as earlier reported by CDM. 

    Daniels also testified that she never spoke with Trump about the payment of $130,000, and said she had no knowledge of whether Trump was aware of or involved in the transaction.

    “You have no personal knowledge about his involvement in that transaction or what he did or didn’t do,” Necheles asked.

    “Not directly, no,” Daniels responded.

    “Have you been telling lies about Mr. Trump or the truth about Mr. Trump?" prosecutor Susan Hoffinger asked Daniels. 

    “The truth,” said Daniels. 

    “On balance, has publicly telling the truth about Trump been a net positive or net negative in your life?” Hoffinger asked.

    “Negative,” Daniels replied quietly.

    The case against Trump centers on whether he falsified business records to cover up the "hush money" paid to Daniels to help get elected president in 2016.

    He has pleaded not guilty to the 34 charges and denies the alleged encounter.

    Daniels was on the stand for 7 1/2 half hours over two days. 


    Christine Dolan

    Christine Dolan is a seasoned Investigative Journalist, television producer, author, and photographer. She is Co-Founder of American Conversations whose format focuses on in-depth analysis of critical issues about “the story behind the headlines.”
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