• “No One Is Above The Law” - Hunter Biden Found Guilty - Biden Family Dysfunction Displayed

    June 11, 2024
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    Hunter Biden’s gun felony trial in Delaware ended with a three-counts guilty conviction during the second week on Tuesday. 

    The president's son was charged with making false statements on a federal gun form about his drug use, attesting he was not a user of or addicted to any controlled substance during a period when prosecutors alleged he was addicted to crack cocaine. 

    Hunter Biden had purchased a Colt Cobra .38 Special revolver in October 2018, which remained in his possession for 11 days before it was discarded in a trash can by Hallie Biden, one of his romantic partners at the time. 

    His conviction could land him up to 25 years in prison and fined $750,000. The sentencing hearing is expected to be held in three months. 

    Hunter Biden was supposed to have avoided prosecution in the gun case, but a deal with prosecutors fell apart a year ago because there was an ongoing investigation. Hence, the judge refused to approve the plea agreement. 

    Subsequently Hunter was indicted on these three felony gun charges in Delaware.  He is also facing felony charges in California in September alleging he failed to pay at least $1.4 million in taxes over four years.

    The gun trial painted a portrait of the Biden family’s dirty laundry on full display mired in endless vulgar dysfunction of tawdry sex, a SlutWeed stripper, porn production, guns, crack dealers, a Laptop from Hell, a lot of cash for drugs, toad venom, and even room service for two filets with one fed to a stripper’s dog. 

    The trial revelations portray a man steeped in debauchery whose father as vice-president and president of the U.S. instead characterized as the “smartest man” he knows. 

    Jill Biden was in the courtroom most of trial, except for one day when she flew to France to be with her husband for a state dinner hosted by President Macron last week.

    Ashley Biden, Jill’s daughter with the president and Hunter Biden’s half-sister, sat with her mother and her sister-in-law, Melissa Cohen, who is Hunter’s current wife.  The defendant’s sister was observed to have wiped a way a tear of two during some of the trial. At one point, she was so overcome with emotions she stepped out of the courtroom.

    Ashley’s husband was even in attendance. It has been reported that Ashley wrote in her diary that she allegedly cheated on her husband while in rehab for her own alcohol and sex addiction.

    Valerie Owens, the president’s sister, sat with family members in the courtroom. 

    Kevin Morris, Hunter Biden’s Sugar Daddy, who lent the defendant millions and purchased some of Hunter’s art pieces was also in attendance. Daily Mail had earlier photographed him smoking a bong on his balcony.

    Cohen was seen shaking her head when the prosecutor introduced the LapTop from Hell into evidence as parts of it were relevant to the gun charges. 

    The emotions were not contained to the courtroom alone though during the course of the trial.

    On the second day of the trial last week, Cohen was seen brazenly walking up to Garrett Ziegler outside of the courtroom during a break calling him “a Nazi piece of s**t.” He did not respond. Hunter Biden is suing Ziegler for posting the LapTop from Hell on Ziegler’s website.

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    One of the prosecutors’ first witnesses was Hunter Biden’s ex-wife, who filed for divorce in 2016 and won a judgement for $1.7 million for unpaid alimony in 2021 after more than 20 years of marriage. In their divorce proceedings, she had accused Hunter of squandering their money on drugs, alcohol, strip clubs and prostitutes. They share three children. 

    Buhle described learning about Hunter Biden’s drug use when she found a pipe used to smoke crack cocaine in an ashtray on their porch in July 2015, weeks after Hunter’s brother Beau had died. She stated that Hunter “acknowledged smoking crack.”

    Buhle testified that she suspected that Hunter was using drugs earlier because he had been discharged from the Navy a year before after he tested positive for cocaine.

    She recounted searching the family’s car for drugs whenever her children were driving it and being “scared.”


    Hallie Biden was considered a key witness for the prosecutors. She is Hunter Biden’s sister-in-law. She is the widow of Hunter Biden’s brother, Beau, who died in 2015. Hallie and Hunter had an affair from 2016- 2019. 

    When the media found out about the affair in 2017 Hunter asked his father, then vice-president, to publicly support their relationship. 

    Vice-President Joe Bill stated that he and Jill Biden “blessed” Hunter and Hallie’s relationship ostensibly to normalize the awkwardness of the publicity because Hunter was still married to Kathleen Buhle at the time. 

    Joe Biden said in a statement at that time that the couple had their “full and complete support,” adding, “We are all lucky that Hunter and Hallie found each other as they were putting their lives together again after such sadness.”

    Hunter detailed their troubled romance in his memoir “Beautiful Things,” writing, “As much as we desperately thought we could be the answers to each other’s pain, we only caused each other more.”

    Hallie Biden found the gun in question in Hunter Biden’s truck 11 days after he bought it. She threw it in a trash can near a grocery store in Wilmington, Delaware. She was concerned about Hunter’s mental health, according to a police report.

    Hunter got upset when he found out Hallie threw it away, and instructed her to retrieve it, but the gun was no longer there when she went back to look for it. A man collecting recyclables found it and gave it to the police.

    Jurors were shown text messages between the pair.

    In one late-night exchange shortly after he bought the gun, Hallie asked Hunter where he was. Hunter replied he was behind a baseball stadium in downtown Wilmington “waiting for a dealer.”

    She also testified that Hunter introduced her to crack and she also went through rehab. She attested that she was quite embarrassed and ashamed for this stage of her life over the drugs and porn that Hunter and she made.

    Hallie was given immunity for her testimony.


    Zoe Kestan, another former romantic partner of Hunter’s testified.

    She described meeting Hunter in December 2017 at a strip club in New York where she was working. During a private dance session with Hunter and another stripper, Hunter pulled out a pipe and began smoking what she assumed was crack, she testified.

    The two met again a couple of weeks later in New York. She stayed at his hotel for five days, where she witnessed Hunter Biden smoking crack every 20 minutes. At one point during their stay together, he asked her to go meet his drug dealer and bring him up to the room.

    Kestan told the court that Hunter Biden was doing drugs as late as mid-September 2018. 

    She told the jury she saw him smoking crack over several days when they met in Malibu, California.

    Kestan also testified that Biden wrote in a message: 'I'll always be an addict'.


    Cleveland sold Hunter Biden the .38 caliber revolver at a Wilmington gun shop in 2018.

    Testifying for prosecutors, the former gun store clerk that he stood next to Hunter Biden when he began to answer a series of questions on the federal form every person has to fill out when they purchase a gun. 

    Another question was whether the buyer was “an unlawful user of or addicted to” marijuana, stimulants, narcotics or any other controlled substance. Hunter Biden wrote “no,” Cleveland said.

    Hunter Biden paid $900 in cash for the gun.

    Cleveland told jurors he watched Hunter sign the form, which includes a warning about the consequences of submitting false information.


    Naomi Biden is one of Hunter Biden and Kathleen Buhle's daugthers. She testified that she met with her father in 2018 in California when he was going through rehab. She testified that she had been very proud of him. 

    During her testimony, the prosecutor asked about texts one night with her Father when she expressed how she "could not" keeping going through this. 


    During opening statements, the prosecutor told the jury that “no one is above the law.” that it “applies equally to all people,” and that prosecutions of defendants are about ‘the choices they made not the people they are.”

    He said Hunter “admitted in his own words” that he was an addict when he bought the gun.

    During FBI Agent Erika Jensen's testimony, the prosecutor played long excerpts from Hunter’s audio book of Beautiful Things, detailing his four-day crack bender in 2016 in Nashville, a ‘six-day bacchanal’ in Los Angeles, a drug-fueled car crash on the I-10, and his regular descent into the city’s skid row to buy crack in 2018 before learning to cook it at the Chateau Marmont hotel, including a story of how during Hunter’s ‘non-stop depravity’ in LA, a stripper ordered two filet mignon steaks from room service and, then fed one to her dog.

    Jensen described how the FBI obtained Hunter’s text messages, emails, photos and other material from his phone and laptop backups from a subpoena to Apple’s iCloud.

    She also reiterated how the FBI obtained Hunter’s abandoned laptop – killing the conspiracy theorists who claimed it was Russian disinformation.

    Jensen said the FBI recovered it from the owner of The Mac Store in Wilmington, Delaware, in late 2019, matched its serial number to Hunter’s iCloud account, and used forensic tools to extract its data after obtaining a warrant.

    They also found an email obtained from their subpoena to Apple, of an invoice to Hunter from The Mac Store dated April 17 2019, for laptop data transfer, corroborating the story.

    Jensen said there was significant ‘overlap’ between the iCloud data and the laptop data, and that Hunter’s messages they recovered totaled over 18,000 pages when extracted to a PDF document.

    Jensen showed the jury text messages between Hunter and suspected drug dealers, conversations with family and friends in which he confessed to his addiction, and bank statements showing him withdrawing up to $14,000 per day and an average of $50,000 per month in the fall of 2018 when he bought the gun.

    Jensen identified for the jury invoices emailed to Hunter for a $2,500-per-day rehab in Los Angeles, where he stayed from August 21 to 27, 2018. He was also billed $8,400 for a ‘sober companion’ from August 27 to September 2.

    In highlighting the records, the prosecution showed the jury that Hunter may have been using cash to buy drugs throughout the period he owned the gun.

    A bank withdrawal slip shown to the jury revealed Hunter took out $5,000 cash the day he bought the gun on October 12, 2018 – but only spent about $900 at StarQuest. He also withdrew $1,600 on both the 10th and 11th.

    Bank statements for the year ending November 30 2018 showed inflows of $1.4 million to one account, and ATM withdrawals totaling a staggering $494,000.

    His statements for his business, Owasco PC, showed he deposited $3.4 million that year, and withdrew the same amount. The ATM and check card withdrawals from that account totaled about $399,000.

    A host of text messages were shown to the jury of Hunter appearing to discuss drug deals and his addiction.

    On November 27, 2018 he wrote to one suspected dealer that he wanted an ‘ounce’, and the dealer told him it was ‘gonna be 1450’. ‘Its 17g pure give him 1100. You'll be happy,’ the contact wrote to Hunter.

    On December 18, 2018 he told Hallie’s sister Liz Secundy in a text message that he was ‘insane and an addict’.

    A video Hunter sent Secundy showed him topless, holding what appeared to be a crack pipe.

    Secundy asked him to admit he was ‘in the throes of addiction’, and he replied ‘I admit it completely’, but added ‘I’ll f**king get sober when I want to get f**king sober.’

    The prosecution showed a second video of Hunter weighing what appear to be crack rocks on a scale, and a photo of Hunter’s hand holding a crack pipe dated January 14 2019. They also showed a bong in the background of one January 31 2019 photo.

    Though the jurors were not told anything about Hunter’s California trial for tax crimes in September, the prosecutors could in that case use the very same bank statements to show Hunter used his business accounts for drugs and hookers – then tried to deduct the payments as business expenses. 


    Christine Dolan

    Christine Dolan is a seasoned Investigative Journalist, television producer, author, and photographer. She is Co-Founder of American Conversations whose format focuses on in-depth analysis of critical issues about “the story behind the headlines.”
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