BERNEGGER: Pennsylvania Voter Roles Are Still Dirty
Image by Kumar Appaiah

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Independent journalist Peter Bergnegger is calling out Wisconsin election corruption:

Wisconsin Patriots call to action: the Wis. Election Commission and squatter Meagan Wolfe are up to their tricks again – in an email by WEC attorney written by Jim Witecha, he said it was too late to go through the normal rule-making process (required in our state) on election observer rules. 

So he unlawfully declared (paraphrasing) “so we’ll have to do it via Emergency Rule Making”. Citizens there is election fraud right there  – again. As WEC had all kinds of time to address the rules pertaining to election observers if they wanted, years in fact. Instead, they waited until it was too late and then jumped to the use of “Emergency Rule-making.” The election fraud is there is no emergency, they can’t even tell you what the emergency is. Ask them: what is the emergency? And ask them where/when did they publish it? 

It was even ruled in Wisconsin Courts back in 2021 Covid did not rise to the level of an emergency.

WEC purposefully didn't get their observer rules passed in time for the upcoming very important elections, they now want to cheat by doing a chicken little of "emergency, emergency". WEC's strategy is to not have the rules passed before the legislative session closed is their modus they can proceed to make emergency rules without going thru the normal process of scrutiny through the legislative process. THERE IS NO EMERGENCY!

The State Legislative Joint Committee for Review of Administrative Rules (JCRAR), has the power to suspend these emergency rules once published in the admin. register.  Senator Nass (R) and Representative Neylon (R) are co-chairs for this JCRAR joint committee.

Rules are not valid if they exceed the bounds of correct interpretation per Wis Stat 227.11(2)(a).  WEC wants to clarify in these emergency rules: 1) What interactions are permissible between observers, voters, and election officials, 2) How a chief inspector may restrict which areas are open to observers, 3) What may count as disruptive behavior".  

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Do you see any concern for observer rights? Nope. WEC is rushing these rules through which are going to violate existing state laws and observer rights. So when election and/or voter fraud is caught, the clerks are just going to use these new WEC rules to have the election observers ousted by the police.

Let WEC know not to overstep their boundaries by misinterpreting the statutes already in place. Please email the WEC attorney  now, his govt. email is shown here. 

We already have statutes in place that give observers rights who are also electors:  Observers have a right to observe all public aspects of the voting process; any registered elector of a municipality may challenge the registration of any other registered elector; the vote of any absent elector may be challenged by any elector for cause.