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Election integrity activist and independent journalist Peter Bernegger put out the following on Minnesota's bloated, inaccurate voter rolls, after running the data through the 'Titan System':
Missing or wrong APT, Ste or Unit No.: 13,267
Reg. to commercial address: 53
Invalid address: 47,196
Reg. to Post Ofc building address: 14
Moved left no forwarding address: 14,486
Permanently moved out of state: 23,614
Permanently moved to new county: 22,330
(within MN)
Total 120,960
These are all actives. Dirty voter rolls = dirty elections. Not all outputs shown either.
Democrats cannot win if they don't cheat!!
How shocking. You mean there are still enough fake voters to "win" an election, even though the GOP has done NOTHING to end Democrat election fraud? If I could upload a photo, I'd show you my "shocked" face.
Minnesota has been the center of ballot box stuffing for decades. Recall the rental car, with a trunk full of mail in ballots, found in the airport parking lot. The car was rented by a democrat campaign staffer.
And their rally chant is "count every vote".
Rhino Republicans run the party. Michigan is doing the same.