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Independent journalist Peter Bernegger is calling for the immediate resignation of Wisconsin U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin for criminal money laundering.

I call for the immediate resignation of US Senator Tammy Baldwin for criminally laundering money into her campaign. 

Column 1   of attached image - Name   

Column 2  Number of Contributions

Column 3  Dollar amount of those contributions

Column 4  Lock-step increase in no. of contributions

Column 5  Lock-step increase in $$$ contributions

You are looking at proof of computerized criminal money laundering into her campaign. She has been doing it for years. The data in the image is from 2024.

Baldwin has laundered millions into her campaign, just like Biden, Harris, and many others. This is being done in federal elections, to statewide races, mayoral races, and even school board races. Thus this affects every citizen in the USA.

There are multiples of other entities Smurfing in addition to ActBlue. For some more see my posts of July 27 and 28. 

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