• The Senate Goes Nuclear For Trump

    April 3, 2019
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    The Senate Goes Nuclear For Trump

    The Senate voted Wednesday to shorten Democrats’ time obstructing President Donald Trump’s nominees on the floor in order to speed up the nomination process.

    The vote was set up by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Thursday, with expectations that it would fail so that the so-called nuclear option could be used. McConnell introduced a procedural cloture vote Wednesday that was shut down 51-48. The cloture needed 60 “no” votes to fail, so McConnell entered a motion to reconsider the failed cloture vote, making it so Republicans only need a majority vote in order to use the nuclear option.

    To read more visit The Daily Caller.


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    Brett Short

    When will Beijing Biden's criminal son be ARRESTED and PROSECUTED? The "news" keeps referring to the Tramp VP as "colored", as in negro. She's not! So FAKE is the "news" and FNC is now one of the worse offenders. Trump put America and the American people first, Biden will squander all the great gains as he flushes America down the toilet. One saving grace is that the Democrat party will keep the ignorant blacks on the plantation, per usual, and will NEVER allow blacks to have any real political power. Notice how the Democrat white Supremist NEVER live near blacks or black neighborhoods?


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