• Mainstream News Ignores The Attempted Mass Murder Of Trump Supporters

    February 10, 2020
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    Saturday, an assault van driven by 'Terrorist Timm' attempted to run down a group of Trump supporters in Jacksonville, Florida.

    Booking photo of Gregory Timm

    Yesterday a vehicle worth about $3 as a trade-in ran down a tent hosting several Trump supporters volunteering to register new voters in a Walmart Superstore parking lot in Jacksonville, Florida.

    The vehicle was being operated by one Gregory William Loel Timm, a 27-year-old man with a suspended license. The Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office found him an hour later and subsequently charged him with two counts of aggravated assault on a person over 65, criminal mischief, and driving without a license.

    Lt. Larry Gayle told the press that after plowing through the tent in the pedo-esque van, Timm stopped, took a video and then stuck his middle fingers up at the people inside the GOP tend before driving away. Gayle also claims that investigators have been “monitoring social media to see if the video shows up.”

    But because this is an attack by another left-wing nutcase, Gayle adds, “We don’t know if this is politically motivated.”

    One of the witnesses was almost struck by the assault van and said, “If it had not been for one of my co-workers saying ‘Get out of the way!’, he would have hit me.”

    Of course, if Timm were wearing a MAGA hat, this story would be plastered across every mainstream masthead. But because it’s an attack on Trump supporters, “we’re not sure if it’s politically motivated” will be endlessly repeated so that the low information people can tell themselves that it’s not. When it’s dropped from the news cycle (oh wow, already?), only then will they admit on a page right below public legal notices that okay, this may have been a politically motivated attack.

    The left doesn’t want the responsibility of the repercussions they may face for holding even one of these political terrorists accountable. Just like the "living wage" gulags with "conjugal visits" threats from the Marxist (paid campaign employee) Berniebros that Project Veritas released a few weeks ago, this goes into the “MSM declines to cover bin”... at least from now until the November election.

    Senator Rubio weighed in on Twitter and at least called this for what it is:

    President Donald Trump also brought attention to this hate crime, saying, "Law Enforcement has been notified. Be careful tough guys who you play with!"

    On Sunday, ‘Terrorist Timm’ made his first appearance before a judge on the weak charges and was ordered held on a $530,000 bond. His next court date is set for March 3.

    Gregory Timm appears in court Sunday. (Image from: WJXT)

    Two conservative groups, Trump Victory and the Republican Party of Duval County, will host a press conference pertaining to this incident at 11 a.m. on Monday. The Republican Party of Duval County also issued this statement:

    Jacksonville Trump Volunteers Deliberately Attacked While Registering Voters

    Today in Jacksonville, Florida six Trump Campaign volunteers were intentionally targeted while registering voters.

    At approximately 2:45 p.m. a multi-colored brown and gold van driven by what is described as a white male in his 20s or 30s, accelerated into a crowd of volunteers at the Kernan Village shopping center located at 11900 Atlantic Boulevard. Thankfully, Republican volunteers narrowly avoided being struck by the accelerating van. The driver sped away after making an obscene gesture toward the crowd.

    *“We are outraged by this senseless act of violence toward our great volunteers,” said Duval GOP Chairman Dean Black. “The Republican Party of Duval County will not be intimidated by these cowards and we will not be silenced. I call on every Republican in our great city to stand up, get involved, and show these radicals that we will not be intimidated from exercising our Constitutional rights.”

    The Republican Party of Duval County plans to redouble its efforts to register voters and will continue it’s fight with renewed intensity to re-elect President Donald Trump.

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    Taylor Day

    Taylor Day lives in New England where she enjoys being an outspoken anti-SJW, firearm enthusiast and writer. Her previous publications include The New York Times, U.S. Catholic and American Thinker with appearances on MSNBC and LocknLoad Radio.
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