The Justice Department has decided to drop charges against two Russian companies that were indicted by Robert Mueller for the crime of funding a social media meme campaign. According to the Special Counsel these memes had a “strategic goal to sow discord in the U.S. political system, including the 2016 presidential election.” It is a pathetic ending to a story that was given maximum coverage on the day Rod Rosenstein announced the indictments of 13 Russians who engaged in “information warfare.”
“There is no allegation in this indictment that any American was a knowing participant in this illegal activity. There is no allegation in the indictment that the charged conduct altered the outcome of the 2016 election.”
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein
February 16, 2018
After just a few days on the job Special Counsel Robert Mueller knew there was no collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government. While his team spent millions interviewing hundreds of people associated with the Trump campaign in search of a crime the lawyers found time to charge Russian citizens with crimes for which they would never stand trial. The assumption must have been that accusing Russian nationals of wrongdoing that could never be proved would also never need to be defended. The Crossfire Hurricane team underestimated Russian businessman Yevgeny Prigozhin who answered the call and met the DOJ in court.
Concord Management and Consulting LLC and Concord Catering were three companies indicted along with the 13 Russians and Yevgeny Prigozhin owns them. The case contesting the charges was brought to Washington’s federal court and a trial was set for next month. The DOJ did not want to defend the accusations made in 2018 so they dropped the charges.
The concept of Russian's tilting the outcome of a US presidential election has always been a preposterous excuse for the outcome of the 2016 election. No amount of money spent on memes, no matter how good the memes are, could overcome the daily brainwashing the main stream media inflicts on the voting public. Mueller was fully aware that the Russian's “strategic goal to sow discord in the U.S. political system, including the 2016 presidential election” was a fiction. Today another one of his made up crimes was dismissed.
The FBI/DOJ needs a house cleaning.
The DOJ/FBI has a major "CREDIBILITY GAP".
The FBI did a ludicrously awful job of investigating the Oklahoma City Bomb that was born in Sanilac county, Michigan, and the Militia Culture permeating it. There were TWO militias up there. (1) The CITIZENS Militia, with 85 year old Hattie Farley, which OPPOSED the Sheriff and the "Good Old Boys" and (2) The violence prone, RACIST, PRO-sheriff "element".
Sanilac county Sheriff Virgil Strickler was BFF and business partner with David Rydel, "commandant" of the "united States Theatre Command" militia which is named in the FBI "Project Megiddo" report for Y2K. Strickler let the Rydel militia use the department's shooting range. LOUD explosions on the Nichols farm were repeatedly reported to Strickler, So what do you know! when the Feds raided the farm the evidence was cleaned up. James Nichols stated in his speech at the Dearborn Centennial Library that the FIRST person he wanted to talk to was Strickler, which he did BEFORE talking to the FEDS. James was welcomed home as a HERO when he was released from Federal custody. All described in Nichols' book "Freedom's End"
The "support network" for the bomb extended to the very top of Sanilac County. Worth Township in Sanilac county, had a Supervisor, James Payne, who flew Confederate flags on his property for decades. He drove around with a Confederate license plate, and had a Black Lawn Jockey holding a Confederate flag standing right at his door. County Officials, Judges, Sheriff Strickler REGULARLY passed that lawn jockey and saw the flags as they entered Payne's home to socialize.
I think the DOJ had a weak case. Dropping charges against the Russians, never even bringing charges against Democrat Nominee, Hillary Clinton for her email on a private server and violations of the Espionage act. The People involved in the Crossfire Hurricane caper, FISA Warrant “errors” and probably widespread spying on American Citizens during the Obama administrataion.
Credibility of the DOJ as a law enforcement agency is in tatters.
Widespread perception is it’s been turned into an insurance agency and if it can’t do the job, why even have it taking up space in D. C.