• De Blasio Shocked To Learn Water Is Wet

    April 20, 2020
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    New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is a caricature of terrible political decisions and it might be laughable if he wasn’t such a threat to public safety.

    Queens Protest/NY1

    During a Monday press brief, de Blasio said it is “unconscionable” that newly released inmates have done what criminals tend to do given the opportunity: commit more crimes. How could he have possibly foreseen that releasing over a thousand criminals into his community might increase crime in said community? After all, nobody has ever accused de Blasio of being wise.

    At least 50 of the 1,400 prisoners at New York’s infamous Rikers Island that were suddenly thrust upon the public have already been rearrested, and some then released again. Fears of Covid-19 spreading through prison populations has caused liberal states to cut the sentences short of thousands and thousands of offenders across the country. 

    As of publishing this, two inmates, or 0.003% of the total incarcerated at Rikers Island, have succumbed to what is being classified as coronavirus deaths. But the City of New York has seen over 10,000 deaths so far, making it the most impacted city on earth. The tragic irony is that a New York City resident would be far less likely to die from Covid-19 as an inmate at Rikers Island than as a free person in one of the 5 boroughs. 

    Prisons and jails are already the epitome of social distancing with round-the-clock medical care but that hasn’t stopped protesters from convening at penitentiaries across the United States demanding that the inmates be released... so they can join the quarantine with the rest of us. 

    Of course these protests aren’t getting the same negative media spins and public backlash that those protesting for their First Amendment rights or to reopen the economy have been receiving.

    On Monday, Facebook, at the direction of certain government officials, cancelled all future organizing events on the world’s largest social media platform for these #ReOpenAmerica demonstrations in a blatant attack on the right to assemble and freedom of speech.

    However, Facebook has taken no action toward the #FreeThemAll events which are still active. 


    Taylor Day

    Taylor Day lives in New England where she enjoys being an outspoken anti-SJW, firearm enthusiast and writer. Her previous publications include The New York Times, U.S. Catholic and American Thinker with appearances on MSNBC and LocknLoad Radio.
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