President Donald Trump Is keeping his promise to “drain the swamp” by firing State Department Inspector General Steve Linick on Friday night. Trump wrote Nancy Pelosi “it is vital that I have the fullest confidence in the appointees serving as inspectors general.” According to the Inspector General Act, an Inspector General serves under the general supervision of his assigned department Secretary and has a dual and independent reporting relationship to that Secretary and the Congress. The IG Act was passed in 1978 as a way to plant Deep State loyalist in the Executive Branch and thwart the President’s ability to challenge the power of the established order.

Pelosi answered the POTUS by saying, “the president’s late-night, weekend firing of the State Department inspector general has accelerated his dangerous pattern of retaliation against the patriotic public servants charged with conducting oversight on behalf of the American people. Inspector General Linick was punished for honorably performing his duty to protect the Constitution and our national security, as required by the law and by his oath.”
Linick was an Obama administration appointee who participated in the Ukraine impeachment hoax and, according to an anonymous House aid, is claimed to be looking into allegations that Sec. of State Mike Pompeo had a political employee perform personal tasks for Mrs. Pompeo. If the accusation is true then SDIG Linick has dug to a new low in frivolous mendacity and fake outrage aimed at damaging a political enemy.
The Friday night firing was too much for Representative Eliot Engel (D-NY), the chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, who huffed, “this firing is the outrageous act of a president trying to protect one of his most loyal supporters, the secretary of State, from accountability,” On Saturday Engel and Senator Bob Menendez of New Jersey, ranking member of the Senate foreign relations committee, said they were launching an investigation into Linick’s firing.
Last month Trump fired fired Michael Atkinson, the inspector general for U.S. intelligence agencies, who initiated the Ukrainian Impeachment Hoax with CIA spy Eric Ciaramella and DNI Joseph Maguire. The failure of the preposterous impeachment play lead directly to the Chinavirus Pandemic Crisis which is now loosing legitimacy in the face of States opening for business and showing very low hospitalization rates for COVID-19. Linick was next in line to leak a made up “scandal” to the #FakeNews corporate media so Pompeo and Trump decided to snuff the Deep State operation before it started. Little wonder that the Democrats are upset, but normal Americans can be happy that the President just saved them 6 months of DC drama over nothing.