Capitol Hill, Seattle. Image via Twitter

Seattle, one of the most progressive cities in the country, is in serious turmoil. Recent developments include a group claiming Black Lives Matter affiliation taking over more than seven city blocks, walling it off, and calling for local citizens to donate guns in order to patrol the border.

Signs on the exterior wall include such rabid claims as, "You Are Now Leaving the United States."

Within the camp borders is an abandoned police precinct. The officers who formerly worked in the precinct house are sheltering in a nearby business.

Via Twitter, the group has requested basic supplies such as batteries and water, and more recently, food. The food donations they had received were apparently stolen by homeless people.

If you're tempted to laugh at the absurdity of the situation, consider that it is worsening, and the city has not effectively countered the insurgents' growing list of demands. This morning, an apparent mixture of Antifa domestic terrorists and BLM adherents broke into Seattle City Hall and demanded that Mayor Jennifer Durkan resign her post on the grounds that she doesn't support defunding the police department.

Seattle, WA City Hall, overrun by protesters. Image: YouTube

The ill-defined "Defund Police" movement has swept the nation with the same wildfire speed and attendant lack of hierarchical structure that hindered the "Occupy" movement of a decade ago. To most, it sounds like a cry to abolish police departments nationwide. Others claim it is meant to take certain duties away from law enforcement officers and only request their services in case of an emergency.

Without any leadership, the "movement" amounts to sloganeering. Further muddying the waters is the increasingly blurry line between Antifa, BLM, and the Democratic Party. As CDMedia reported yesterday, donations to BLM go directly to Democratic political campaigns.

The irony of the situation, that protesters first built a wall, then requested guns, all in the lily-white Capitol Hill neighborhood, did not escape some.

This is a developing story, CDMedia will update as necessary.