• Freedom For Flynn

    June 24, 2020
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    Flynn Free! FBI/DOJ Russian Hoax Exposed And Shamed

    A federal appeals court in DC ordered Judge Emmet Sullivan to dismiss Lieutenant General Michael Flynn’s case.  The former national security advisor to President Donald Trump has been embroiled in a political firestorm, and was a central figure in the Russian collusion investigation.  If the decision is not appealed, Flynn will be vindicated of all charges that once consumed the political world with the question if Flynn broke the law and therefore, face the consequences.  

    Why this matters: Flynn’s case has been a focal point for President Trump and his supporters during the FBI’s investigation into the Trump administration.  It also shines a light onto the role of the Obama administration’s involvement in the scandal, during and after, President Trump’s election.  The tide shifted in Flynn’s favor first when Special Prosecutor Mueller found no collusion with Russia, despite a lengthy investigation and criminal charges against Trump’s inner circle.  Then in April, when Flynn’s attorneys publicized a handwritten note from a former counterintelligence director at the FBI E.W. “Bill” Priestap .  This note further advanced the narrative that the “deep state” weaponized the government to go after President Trump and his allies, and that Flynn was framed.

    The letter stated: "What's our goal? Truth/Admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired?"  E.W. “Bill” Priestap wrote in the letter.  

    Flynn was charged on two accounts of lying to the FBI.  His attorneys argued that this letter demonstrates his case was a trap, as opposed to a fair verdict under the justice system. This is what made is a “smoking gun.” 

    President Trump tweeted his approval, writing: “Great!  Appeals Court Upholds Justice Departments Request To Drop Criminal Case Against General Michael Flynn!”

    Kayleigh McEnany, President Trump’s press secretary, echoed the president’s support, tweeting: “Today's decision by an appeals court to dismiss the case against Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn is a VICTORY for justice and truth.  All Americans are entitled to equal justice under the law and due process. No American should ever be unjustly targeted by their government.”

    In what has been a political saga, the decision in favor of General Flynn marks the end of one of Democrats biggest attack points, and sets President Trump up in a favorable position with his core supporters ahead of the 2020 election.  



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