• LIVESTREAM: House Judiciary Committee With William Barr

    July 28, 2020

    TW: @HouseJudiciary | FB: HouseJudDems | IG: HouseJudDems | M: /HouseJudiciary Full Committee Hearing on Oversight of the Department of Justice | EventID=110938


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    […] post LIVESTREAM: House Judiciary Committee With William Barr appeared first on CD […]


    Dear Democraps;
    Game over!
    Eat a bag of d icks.
    You will in prison.

    Bubba Grump

    Ahoy, Ted Leu!
    You look nervous.
    Heat getting to you?

    R Percoco

    What a bunch os Assholes these Democrats are.....

    T. Melt

    The democrats came off as extremely rude, you know, the way they always are. Can’t believe Nadless was an hour late because he just had to stop for chicken but he did not want to excuse Barr for five minutes to go pee. What a Nad! I guess his stomach staples must have come loose and e can’t start the day without a bucket of chicken.


    Come to a conclusion you should not be allowed by law to run for congress unless you were born in this country. So sickening don't even recognize my country with this garbage people in congress some of them not all.




    I didn't think anybody in DC could make me feel like I needed a shower more than Pelosi. Nadler just lowered the bar. What a scumbag!


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