Image by Michael Stokes

While the Democrat National Convention will shift to digital in response to the coronavirus, the candidates were still expected to travel to the chosen state to formally accept their nomination.  The Republican National Convention will be held in Charlotte, North Carolina, and President Trump will still go to do some official convention events.  The DNC is scheduled to take place in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, but now, Vice President Joe Biden will not travel due to coronavirus concerns. 

Instead, Biden will accept the nomination from his home state of Delaware.  Never missing a chance to make the coronavirus about Trump, DNC Chairman Tom Perez said in a statement, “From the very beginning of this pandemic, we put the health and safety of the American people first.  We followed the science, listed to the doctors and public health experts, and we continued making adjustments to our plans in order to protect lives.  That’s the kind of steady and responsible leadership American deserves.” State delegations have been told to not travel for official convention business, and everything will be done remotely.  

Why this matters: Every four years, the convention is a crucial part to the election process.  It is a chance for delegates, reporters, political enthusiasts, donors, politicians, and others to gather together, meet one another, and support their presumptive president.  The acceptance of the nomination, and the speech afterwards, is crucial for firing up voter enthusiasm for the last few months.  But as coronavirus has turned everything upside down, the convention is no different.  Even yesterday, President Trump said he may do his acceptance speech from the White House.  All these events are unprecedented, and will have an impact on the election in November.  This is usually campaign crunch time, but instead, the nation is still reeling and trying to catch its balance.