• Kushner Has No Fear About Sending His Kids Back To School

    August 17, 2020
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    Jared Kushner is putting his money where is mouth is.  As President Trump has repeatedly called for states to reopen their schools, he has cited studies that children are less susceptible and at a lower risk of contracting and dying from the virus. Trump’s administration has pointed to the negative social and emotional impacts of continuing virtual education.  Also, they have pointed to the effects keeping children home will have on the economy, as parents will not be as likely able to return to work.  

    In an interview with CBS, Kushner said he has no fears whatsoever about sending his children back to school.  He said that children were six times more likely to die from the flu than the coronavirus, and is not worried about the health risks.  Kushner said, “Our school is not opening up five days a week, I wish they were.  But we absolutely will be sending our kids back to school and I have no fear in doing so.”

    Kushner addressed the coronavirus pandemic, saying that the nation is below its peak.  While Democrats have lined up their attacks against President Trump in how he handled the nationwide response, and are using it as their central campaign issue, Kushner defended his father-in-law, stating, “The president’s taken a very aggressive approach, not just in the hot spots, but also in what we call the ember cities to push all the different measures we can take, like wearing a mask, social distancing, using best practice.  But most importantly, the president’s really advanced the use of a lot of therapeutics, which is bringing the case fatality rate down better, which has been a good thing and obviously accelerating a vaccine.”  Kushner continued that with the administration’s aid, there are vaccines in Phase 3 trials in just four months, beating the former record of 13 months.  

    Ahead of the first night of the Democratic National Convention, the Democrat speakers are expected to focus on the coronavirus, and in particular, highlight where they believe the Trump administration has failed.  Kushner offered a different narrative, and said the administration has been working with a lot of different governors to find the “best practice” to handle the virus.  He continued that the administration now knows “a lot more” about the virus, and the main focus is to mass deliver a vaccine.  

    As many states continue to remain locked down, causing further economic damage, Kushner relied on the nation’s top doctor.  He said, “even Dr. Fauci this week said that lockdowns are not the answer.”  Kushner said in order to combat the virus, we need “to us the resources we need in order to live as normal as possible while taking the restrictions that will help us save as many people as possible.”  And from Kushner’s point of view, going back to school is safe, and a way to bring normalcy back to people’s lives. 


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