• Tech Censors Chinese Virologist Who Claims Coronavirus Was Made In Wuhan Lab

    September 17, 2020
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    Image by 于/Yu 回/Hui

    Fox News host Tucker Carlson is known for his bombshell interviews, but he went above and Tuesday night in his interview with Chinese virologist Dr. Li-Meng Yan to discuss the origins of the coronavirus. 

    Yan revealed that she has evidence that China intentionally released coronavirus onto the world population, knowing what the damage would be. The video was posted to Facebook, and according to Carlson, reached 1.3 million people in a couple of hours. But Facebook has removed the video as they continue to censor coronavirus messaging. 

    Carlson addressed the interview, and the subsequent censorship on his show on Wednesday. He said, “COVID-19 is not from nature, she said. It was created in a lab in Wuhan, China. The Chinese government intentionally unleashed it on the world. Those are her claims. Are they true? We have no way of verifying them. We do know that Dr. Li-Meng Yan is not a quack.”

    Carlson continued, "She’s authored peer-reviewed papers on coronavirus transmission in both Nature Magazine and The Lancet. Those are two of the most respected publications in all of science. Her paper on the origin of COVID-19, which she has published online, is not frivolous. In it, she points to specific evidence for the claims that she makes. She identifies so-called cut sites which are frequently used in genomic engineering that would allow scientists to swap in sequences from other viruses to create what she described last night as a Frankenstein bioweapon."

    While Yan has been silenced, Carlson has pointed out the danger in censorship, and how experts have been repeatedly wrong in the information they give Americans about the virus. The popular talk show host warned against the dangers when diversity of thought is suppressed, and that tech companies are purposely shutting down certain information.

    Twitter has suspended Yan’s account completely, cutting off her ability to share her work and news about the virus from her followers. 


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