Government-Funded RFERL Still Attacking President Trump In Election Season
Screenshot RFERL

At CDMedia we have written extensively on the anti-Trump, culturally Marxist propaganda spewing from government-funded RFERL and Voice of America.

We thought the problem of anti-American infiltrators at these U.S. media organizations would be mitigated with the hiring of Michael Pack to run U.S. Global Media, the umbrella organization to the above entities.

The Left made a big stink over the hiring of Pack; however, President Trump pushed it through. One of Pack's initial moves at the agency was to fire multiple senior directors who were loyal to the 'progressive' agenda rather than the United States.

In an interview with the Washington Examiner last month, Pack said he believed VOA in particular had lost its way and needed to adhere more closely to its founding charter, which not only requires it to be a “reliable and authoritative source of news” but also to “present the policies of the United States clearly and effectively," reported Washington Examiner.

"It was my view that on day one, by changing senior leadership, I could create this change,” Pack told the Washington Examiner. “It seemed better to clean house and start fresh. Far from being a witch hunt of Democrats, it is a very fair, let's-start-over process.”

With the recent article published above on RFERL, there is obviously still a problem. Anti-Trump propaganda delivered 42 days prior to the 2020 presidential election, paid for by you and me the U.S. taxpayer, is a big, big problem.