Project Veritas released another investigation today into Google's attempts to sway the Nov 2020 presidential election in Joe Biden's favor.
A Google advertising account executive told a Project Veritas journalist with a hidden camera how he and his company exploit its market dominance to advance a political agenda and suppress opposing political views, declared PV in a statement.
“You can offer free credits, free advertising credits, to Democratic parties for advertising,” said Adriano Amaduzzi, a technical account manager at Google Marketing.
Amaduzzi said on the other hand, Google can suppress Republicans using the so-called Trust and Safety team. “You can, potentially--censor out news from your search engine.”
The technical account manager said he agreed that the majority of Google’s Trust and Safety staffers are “extreme left” and could be involved in the American election
“Yeah, by stopping Presi--, or actually stopping right-wing parties from advertising,” Amaduzzi said.
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Amaduzzi even bragged to the Project Veritas journalist about how he chose to ignore a request for pro-Brexit ads to be placed on Google and its platforms.
“Funny enough about Brexit, I had a guy, linked to, me, for no reason --, I don't know why, contacted me from LinkedIn and say: ‘Hi I'm head of digital infrastructure of the Conservative Party of the United Kingdom, we would like to do advertising with Google, could you help me with that?’ I was like—I didn’t answer,” Amaduzzi said.
Adriano Amaduzzi: “You're telling an Italian that lives in London that you want to advertise Brexit. It’s like, seriously?”
Journalist: “So like, promoting Brexit?”
Amaduzzi: “Yeah exactly, promoting the blocking [of the] free movement of non-European people.”
Journalist: “Right.”
Amaduzzi: And you're asking a European guy to help you do that, I was like, sure.”
Then, later in the exchange:
Journalist: “Because you're the gatekeeper of Google, what you're going to allow to advertise. So, if they want to promote it—"
Amaduzzi: “No, not really, I wish I was that influential. I'm just one of the pawns.”
Journalist: “But in a way you are because you said you can say no, which is—"
Amaduzzi: “Oh yeah, I didn't help him.”