• Media’s MeTooing Of Andrew Cuomo Is Really About Protecting Four Democrat Governors

    March 3, 2021
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    Image by Julia Pickett

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    In a just world not plagued by a fake and corrupt media, Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) would be on the edge of resigning his office today, not over a handful of times he allegedly got aggressive with women, but over his sociopathic executive order that required nursing homes to accept patients still infected with the coronavirus.

    That, after all, is the real scandal here, the true scandal, an act so monstrous Cuomo knew he had to cover it up, which he did by falsely blaming the order on the Trump administration and then lying about just how many seniors died as a result.

    But instead of being pressured to resign over that, he’s being hit with perfectly-timed allegations of sexual misconduct, two involving former staffers, one involving a complete stranger he met at a wedding...

    To read more visit Breitbart.

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    Daniel Melton

    It's an application of the old clinton strategy of using a small scandal to distract from a much bigger and possibly more lethal scandal.

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