• BREAKING: Maricopa County Deleted Entire Database 10 Days Prior To Turning Over Equipment To Audit

    May 12, 2021
    VIDEO: Democrats Cave In Maricopa County Court, Election Audit Will Go On

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    Maricopa County deleted entire databases prior to turning over election equipment to the AZ Senate for the forensic audit now occurring. The Senate President Karen Fann today sent a letter to the County Election's Board for an explanation. The letter can be seen on the tab below.

    Former Overstock.com CEO Patrick Byrne asked the following questions on his Telegram channel:

    Maricopa County purposefully deleted a directory full of election databases related to the past 2020 election cycle ~10 days before the election equipment was delivered to the @arizonaaudit. This is destruction of evidence and at least, contempt.

    Why did security seals arrive cut and why were they placed at the bottom of the boxes? Why were security ballot bags not used by the County?

    Is this the Counties customary practice for storing ballots?

    AZ Attorney General Mark Brnovich needs to get involved immediately. What is Maricopa County hiding? We need answers! @arizonaaudit

    The AZ Senate letter demanded...

    We have recently discovered that the entire “Database” directory from the D drive of the machine “EMSPrimary” has been deleted. This removes election related details that appear to have been covered by the subpoena. In addition, the main database for the Election Management System (EMS) Software, “Results Tally and Reporting,” is not located anywhere on the EMSPrimary machine, even though all of the EMS Clients reference that machine as the location of the database. This suggests that the main database for all election-related data for the November 2020 General Election has been removed. Can you please advise as to why these folders were deleted, and whether there are any backups that may contain the deleted folders?

    This sure makes the Maricopa County, AZ Board of Elections look guilty doesn't it?

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    Joe Daigle



    If these demoKKKrat scum are not prosecuted for deleting the evidence of their election fraud, there is no saving them from the righteous justice coming their way from the people of this country that won't tolerate their lawlessness and freedom from consequences for their treason, insurrection and sedition!!! The 2A is coming their way!


    Make sure DemonRATS have ZERO chance to destroy evidence during the upcoming graduation week, then frame it on the audit. Watch out !!

    Pat Ferguson

    The data can be recovered by experts. This calls for an investigation.


    Agreed. I was wondering if this type of tampering was going to occur there, and it has. Who's to say that other states, that may be contemplating recounts, aren't already doing the same thing? The Rats and Deep State want to ensure that OBiden stays in the WH, no matter what, and they are willing to do everything in their power to accomplish that goal.


    This is an investigation how do you thinkt hey found out it was deleted lol.

    eddy Smith

    Show us the indictments, not bs letters!


    Until people start going to jail -- or worse -- this crap will continue...


    where is the law that states the county is suppose to preserve everything for years.....caught em' like Trump said...


    Yet again we have a Bleach Bit response to subpoenaed servers from criminals democrats confident their obstruction of justice will never be punished or even exposed for the aggravated criminal conduct it is.

    Stephen C. Smith

    If the information communicated in the story related to the missing voting machine databases is found to be true, without doubt, then the members of the Maricopa Election Commission that participated in removing this data and any member who was not directly involved, but had knowledge of what was, or had happen, and did not report that information to the Court or State AG should be ARRESTED, TRIED and if found GUILTY, they should be imprisoned for a sentence specified by law. If the PEOPLE don't start demanding protection under the law, and don't call, LOUDLY, for the trial and punishment for the criminal acts of important politicians or bureaucrats who participated in the corrupted National Election of 2020, this Nation has but two options left to it. One, surrender to a Totalitarian State, or Armed Revolution to restore our Constitutional Republic.


    "Nation has but two options left to it. One, surrender to a Totalitarian State, or Armed Revolution to restore our Constitutional Republic."

    Good point, but which option will the nation's electorate choose?

    Stephen C. Smith

    If the information communicated in the story related to the missing voting machine databases is found to be true, without doubt, then the members of the Maricopa Election Commission that participated in removing this data and any member who was not directly involved, but had knowledge of what was, or had happen, and did not report that information to the Court or State AG should be ARRESTED, TRIED and if found GUILTY, they should be imprisoned for a sentence specified by law. If the PEOPLE don't start demanding protection under the law, and don't call, LOUDLY, for the trial and punishment for the criminal acts of important politicians or bureaucrats who participated in the corrupted National Election of 2020, this Nation has but two options left to it. One, surrender to a Totalitarian State, or Aggressive Revolt intended to restore our Constitutional Republic.


    If not bleached recovery possible.


    How did they do that without the administrator keys? Said they didnt have them...surely they didnt lie?


    Good observation. Someone obviously has the keys or the database would still be there.

    Matthew Combs

    The tinfoil hat club..tRump lost, get over it. Instead of wasting time and undermining democracy, face the fact that your deeply unpopular demagogue lost and this is a giant effort just to coddle his fragile ego


    Maybe the FBI can raid the offices and homes of election officials, like they did to Rudy Giuliani.

    eric croomer

    they cant cathch me....nah,na,na,na,nah


    This "audit" is a joke. The AZ Senate has dubious, mostly unenforceable subpoena power, so any malfeasance like evidence destruction will go unpunished. The AZ AG should be doing grand juries to indict these people, not wait around for some judge who doesn't even have jurisidiction over legislative subpoenas. Why hasn't she gone to a grand jury yet? Yeah, those are the types of questions Patriots should be asking, not "will they ever uncover evidence of fraud?".


    Nothing to see here. Look the other way. Oh hey, by the way, we are going to build the border wall, and have you seen what the Palestinians are doing to Israel.


    It's past time for these criminals to go to jail! Charge them with obstruction of justice and tampering with evidence, just for starters. Sedition might apply as well, since it was part of a coordinated, nationwide attempt to overthrow our federal government--which succeeded.


    How can you log on to delete the database if, as you claim, you don't have the password?


    Depending on how they were deleted, the files may be recoverable. When you delete a file, it just makes the space available for future use. The actual data isn't immediately overwritten.


    @cdmediastaff the plane (DRACO) that circles the AZ audit. They fly out of Prescott and I don't know why it was at Deer Valley airport. They are visible when they are at Prescott airport and I spoke with a crew. The cover story is that the monitor utilities oil, gas, power or data. The story changes.


    Appears Dominion has been very busy covering up all the crime committed.


    Time for kicked in doors at 4 AM, and Perp walks in hand cuffs. I believe we are at the point, the democrats are going to have constitution burning parties. This is treason and MUST not stand!


    Unless Hilary has been doing laundry at midnight.


    Send them to prison. That will get them to talk.


    Trump and the Patriots have it all.


    Is anyone surprised? I said these machines would be "scrubbed" long ago. They will NEVER let the evidence be seen or analyzed - NEVER. It will always be a "conspiracy theory" that the election was stolen and fraudulently managed. They are well into their "phase 2" assignment of identifying all 80 million Trump voters and destroying the ones who don't voluntarily shut up and become puppets to them.

    mike oxbig

    Why wouldn't they cheat? There is never a price to pay when a liberal cheats. Nothing whatsoever will happen to them for committing this crime and you know and i know it and they know it.

    Frank Jimenez

    People should PROTEST and LOOT down the streets and find the county officials home addresses and BULLHORN them all night just like the LIBTARD/COMMUNISTS DO !!


    I am hopeful for arrests, prosecutions and prison for these high & mighty criminals but I have to tell you that I am truly doubtful that even one of them will ever see prison. The reason. Not one of them from Ozero on has been cuffed. I am not an optimist but I consider myself a realist.


    I was concerned this would happen. It took way too much time to get this audit rolling. I bet we will find that the machines have been wiped nation wide. I don't know if the paper ballots will be enough to show definitely that President Trump won the election. People definitely need to go to jail.


    I especially want to see the election committee and Dominion executives in jail. Preferably Gauntamino


    Just declare Maricopa's vote totals are what remain and change the state election outcome accordingly. Then send to jail the people who tampered with the files.


    Nothing is really deleted . Its all still there. Unless they wiped it which would make the rest useless. They will recover the data if they have access to the machines.


    For me, while I am concerned that the dishonest are hindering the audit in AZ, I am more concerned with the wider implications.

    Those that have perpetrated this crime, and deleting records / evidence is a crime, in the wake of the Obama administrations deletion of thousands of records required to be kept and the deletion of evidence / records by the IRS and Clinton, without consequence, it is clear that the rule of law is dead.

    Evidence is destroyed, people perjure themselves before congress with impunity, the IRS acts like an arm of the Democrat party, as does the FBI, the DOJ and the CIA. Election laws are overturned by leftist SOS and minor officials and the Supreme Court of the United States refuses to hear evidence.

    The rule of law is dead and thereby the country is dead bar the wake.


    Way past time for handcuffs.


    Where are the courts? Where is the DOJ?

    Still wallowing in their sewer of corruption...


    Maybe they could waterboard the members who had access to this database to discover why they deleted the information.


    I've seen comments that say the data can be recovered. Is that true even if they've written 1s and 0s to the drive?


    Never mind. Answered my own question. Writing Zeros or one's to a drive does indeed make the data unrecoverable. They had plenty of time to do exactly that.


    Not easy to prosecute CIA. Won't happen.


    They have destroyed election integrity. Results are fraudulent. But in post constitutional regime this will not be prosecuted.

    Larry Folds

    Is the governor going to arrest anyone? It's called a crime....


    is this the colonoial pipline ransom. this country and its laws are a complete joke. i just saw where BLM was blocking a hwy (against the law) and some guy got out to complain and the cops arrested him and let BLM keep breaking the law.....


    is this the colonial pipeline ransom. this country and its laws are a complete joke. i just saw where BLM was blocking a hwy (against the law) and some guy got out to complain and the cops arrested him and let BLM keep breaking the law.....


    That is absolutely right... UNTIL these leftist unpatriotic low IQ morons are put in jail for a long long time, then NOTHING will happen, because GOP is so very weak and disorganized. Gotta start putting these a-holes in JAIL!

    Vincent J.

    Trump won the election but the establishment could not let him serve another four years. Democracy died on November 20, 2020. The American public are living in a “Banana Republic”! This was brought on by the Justice Department, FBI, and main stream media. Eric Holder and Barack Obama both racist to a core, helped to steal the election. No President has been elected if he/she lost Iowa, Florida and Ohio. No President has lost if he won 18 bell weather county’s. No incumbent has lost if he got more votes the second time around. Trump got about 14 million more votes the second time around. Key district around the country shut down counting votes in the middle of the night and sent the Republican watches home. After they left the Dems starting counting votes again. The election was stolen and most honest American’s knows this. We lost our Democracy on November 20, 2020!,,

    Jackie Pratt

    Huh. No surprise. Name a prominent Democrat that had even been actually investigated in the last 12 years. NONE. The republic is gone. Ask Franklin.

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