• War room Pandemic Friday Show Recap 5/14

    May 15, 2021
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    Episode 946 – ‘Peace,’ ‘Peace’ There Is No Peace (w/ Rabbi Spero, Epshteyn, Kassam, McCall)

    Episode 947 – Vaccine Vacillation (w/ Dr. Joseph Mercola, Liz Yore, Saurabh Sharma)

    Episode 948 – The Receipts Don’t Match … Fraud in Arizona and Re-Education in Public Schools

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    Dr. Joseph Mercola Warns Against Covid Vaccines: 'The People Behind This Should Be Put in Jail'

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    At the end of War Room episode 946 above, McCall said we could contact Pres. Trump to give his endorsement to McCall at "saveamerica45".
    But that site does not exist, only "saveamerica" (donaldjtrump) & "office45".
    Many commenters on various Telegram channels are arguing over which is his official site vs. being run by others just attaching his name to it.
    Any clarification as to which is the verified Pres. Trump site??
    Thanks so much!

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