• Connecticut Is Completely Controlled By The Chinese Communist Party

    July 25, 2021
    Connecticut Is Completely Controlled By The Chinese Communist Party

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    Trevor Loudon outlines the influence that the pro-Beijing Communist Party USA has in Connecticut. Almost every prominent politician in the state has a working relationship with the Communist Party USA—yet Connecticut voters have virtually no knowledge of these relationships.

    You can watch the video here.

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    Nick from Newtown

    Fyi, CT Gov Ned Lamont is the great grandson of one of the communists that met 100 yrs ago on Jekyll Island, SC to start the Federal Reserve.

    Kerry Bay

    The scumbag Lamont recently bought demoncrat votes with his legalization of marijuana. I've, unfortunately, been a lifelong resident of CT, and the state is being run in to the ground with each passing second. My mother had a decent pension (40+ years as a social worker, a real one, not one that steals kids) and had it slashed by 40% mere days before her retirement last year, in favor of politicians and the builders of machines of war. The CCP has a firm hold over the political and industrial sectors. There is shoreline money, Fairfield county money and that's about it. We are beyond broke, there are starving children and families in every town, our infrastructure is beyond repair, our state parks are maintained sub-par, all the lakes and ponds and rivers and streams are polluted. Yet taxes go up, freedoms are absolved and not a single thing is done to help the year-round populace. S**thole blue state. I don't know why anyone comes here for vacation (I'm in the south east), and I would GTFO if I could afford it. Pray not for me, but pray for America as a whole. We shall, and must, overcome. Stay well.

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