Image by Kenneth C. Zirkel

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Wisconsin Moves Forward with Forensic Audit (h/t @LibertyOverwatchChannel Telegram)

WI State Rep. Janel Brandtjen issued a release today: “Assembly Campaigns and Elections Committee to Initiate More Intensive Investigation of Fraudulent Activity.”

Rep. Brandtjen is the Chair of the Wisconsin Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections. She visited the Maricopa audit earlier this month and has called for an Arizona-style audit of Wisconsin’s November election.

In her statement she writes: “voters have made it clear that they want a thorough cyber-forensic examination of tabulators, ballot marking devices, and other election equipment, which I will be helping facilitate on behalf of the committee as chair…

IP addresses, chain of custody on ballots, and audit trail logs must be thoroughly inspected by cyber-audit technicians… While WI is in the process of an election audit, I will be working to ensure that it is augmented with expertise and resources to ensure a comprehensive, forensic examination.”

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