Gotham City Hill: Is New York City About To Experience Its First Subway Series Mayoral Contest?
F Train, Manhattan-bound, 17 May 2005 9:25am
Image by Travis Ruse

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The Gotham City Hill

It’s the boroughs with their champion Guardian Angel Curtis Sliwa versus the Manhattan elites and their media darling, former cop Eric Adams. It’s the populist Curtis Sliwa versus the Democrat party machine “next in line” Eric Adams who few New Yorkers seem to be very excited about. 

On the other hand, excitement seems to be building and growing exponentially in the Sliwa camp. And you can tell because smears from the oppisition are already beginning. “He’s anti-Semitic” we’re told by left-leaning press, but Sliwa has two Jewish boys he’s helping to prepare for Bar Mitzvah, plus it was Sliwa and his Guardian Angels who kept watch over the Hasids in Crown Heights when Democrat Al Sharpton was stirring the pot between the Jewish community and the Caribbean community. 

We already know Sliwa would never stoop so low as to use race to divide us. His Guardian Angels decades ago were already completely diversified horizontally and vertically with all sexes and all ethnic groups represented. 

Few words are spoken about “party affiliation” but why? Could it be because all know Sliwa and that aspect is unimportant? His love of NYC is already well known - almost mythical. Party affiliation just doesn’t matter. People who love our city aren’t thinking about party affiliation anyway. They’re thinking about who can fix it and then lead us and they all know Curtis’ heart is NYC and seems it always was. He’s proven it again and again and again. 

This week in the midst of one of the heaviest rain storms in city history, where was Sliwa? Adams was nowhere to be found but Sliwa was out checking our subways to make sure commuters were ok in the flooding. And only when his neighborhood watch was done, he headed back to his studio apartment to check his rescue kitties. A few of his 15 cats sensed him approaching and greeted him from inside on his window sill. That sums up Sliwa's campaign. And Adams' strategy? He plans to wait it out in Joe's basement and in the final few weeks dump Democrat Party machine money into conventional media as elite reporters pretend there is no Curtis Sliwa. It’s Adams’ only chance to beat the boroughs. 

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