• Corrupt Media Tries To Pre-empt AZ Audit Report, Trump Issues Statement Refuting Spin, Clock Ticking Till 4PM EST Release, Criminal Referrals Probable

    September 24, 2021
    AZ Senate Needs To Answer Questions Regarding 'Special Master' Who Will Oversee Router Investigation

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    The corrupt Leftist media this morning tried to preempt today's release of the Arizona State Senate election audit report of Maricopa County by literally issuing lies saying Biden won. There is no evidence to support this claim.

    Multiple spin machines of the communist media released the same headline at once -- obvious collusion -- referring to a cherry-picked 'draft' report of the evidence. Even this incomplete 'draft' report showed 55k illegal votes in a race with a margin of approximately 10k for Biden's 'win'. The Wall Street Journal, an alleged 'conservative' paper participated in the effort.

    The real report has not been released and will be given to the public at 4pm EST today during a Senate hearing in Arizona.

    President Trump issued a statement in response - you can read below.

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    Arizona and Georgia , Two States that should be squeaky clean apparently have been invaded by Left wing Socialist/Communist agents being paid by the George Soros Foundations. In both states the High Ranking Republican's appear to be Flipped like Raffensperger of Georgia.....Both Governors are apparently RINO'S !!!! With a chance to clear the record and Prove Honesty these Elected Officials have fought Tooth and Nail to Stop the Audits by throwing barrier's and taking Legal action throw the Audit efforts off the track......Shameful Actions by Self Centered, Greedy Officials !!!! Hopefully, the Audit results will cause Decertification of a fraudulent Election in Both States.....Period !!!!

    Brett M Short

    The "media" is TOTALLY CORRUPT, with dishonest reporters and so-called journalists. The "media" is given 1st Amend. RIGHTS in order to keep check of the corrupt government representatives and bureaucrats. The "media" has failed to do its job. The only way "media" empires collapse is if YOU stop supporting them! Don't watch their propaganda, don't buy from their sponsors, and write emails to the editors bitchin' about the tremendous dishonest bias in reporting.


    Audit results....
    Better turn out to be, "the blue dress."

    ronald J kozlowski

    Litigation is this nations death knell. Gov. is paralyzed with BS sections of law. Take that stone out of our shoe would be a great start.

    Dave Jones

    4pm was a while ago... What's the story?

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