• FL-27 Rep Maria Salazar Refuses To Comment To CDM Regarding Her Vote To Let Dems Off The Budget Hook

    October 9, 2021
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    On September 30th, thirty-four Republican members of the U.S. House of Representatives voted along with Democrats for a continuing resolution (CR) to take the Marxist Democrats off the hook in their duty to create for a budget plan for the American people, and allow the Dems to continue their irresponsible spending.

    We have structural deficits of over $1 trillion for the next decade, in addition to the trillions in stimulus spending the Biden Regime wants to put on the backs of our grandchildren. In ten years we will have close to $50 trillion in debt.

    FL-27 Maria Salazar was one of the Republic collaborators that ensured the debt slavery of our children in passing the CR.

    CDMedia called Salazar's D.C. office requesting a comment on her vote, and was given the email of her media team. No one responded. Her office is well versed in our thoughts on the bill. She didn't even have the courage to give an answer to the American public.

    Her vote for the CR helped to destroy the economy of the United States and the future of our children and grandchildren.

    Salazar sent out a September newsletter where she heralded her prior votes against raising the debt ceiling. She said nothing of her vote to allow the Democrats to continue to fund the government instead of being held accountable for their reckless spending. This is extremely disingenuous.

    Maria Salazar calls herself a conservative. She is conserving nothing. She is part of the problem.

    She needs to be primaries - period.

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    It`s a little difficult for those of us on the right to use this issue against Democrats. Bush was a huge spender and so was Trump. What the conversation really needs to focus on is what are we going to do about the debt. Is it really a debt we intend to pay back....is it real? We pay an astronomically high amount of cash in interest per year....billions, is this just a form of money laundering like our wars and conflicts?

    Bernie Sanders let the cat out of the bag when he said "if we don`t pass the Biden spending bills the worlds economy and ours will collapse". Our economies are built on sand....we have no "economy", it`s all propped up by an influx of trillions every few years.

    Years back every 7-8 years we had a government created recession or crisis that requires massive stimulus, you could set your watch to it. Now it`s every other year.....we are in deep do-do.


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