Richard Baris, Director Big Data Poll Says Youngkin Could Pull Out Win

New Ad Against Louden County, VA School Board Corruption Goes Viral, McAuliffe Losing Ground
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A new ad by American Principles Project PAC highlights the problem Terry McAuliffe has in defeating Glenn Youngkin in the Virginia governor's race. The issues now motivating voters as the Nov 2nd election approaches are education and school board corruption in Louden County, which McAuliffe is seen enabling.

"The shifting of voters' priorities from pandemic and healthcare to the economy and education has put Terry McAuliffe in real danger of losing his second bid for governor in Virginia," declared Big Data Poll Director Rich Baris, who conducts polling for CDMedia. "Glenn Youngkin has the momentum in the homestretch, and public education has played a central role in firing up his base.

"With every passing day, it's looking more likely Glenn Youngkin pulls this upset off."

Recent polls have shown Youngkin ahead by single digits.

You can see the results of the recent CDMedia/Big Data Poll in Virginia here.

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