November 12, 2021
    Vax Drug Pusher Bill Gates Admits Vax Don't Stop Transmission Of Covid, But Says We Need New Vaccines Anyway

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    (h/t Disclose.tv)

    UPDATE 11/13 1045 EST - The ruling mentions 'pending judicial review'. Our understanding is this ruling clearly states how this court would rule and their opinion sets precedent and discussion of natural immunity, etc. We do state in the article the only relief for the Biden administration would be to appeal to SCOTUS Justice Alito.

    UPDATE 2110 EST:

    -Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals rules *unanimously* to *permanently* block OSHA mandate from taking effect nationwide, effectively vacating Biden's executive order.

    -Ruiling sides with Texas, but is a *nationwide* injunction.

    -One Reagan and two Trump Judges made the ruiling.

    -In their ruiling, the Judges cited a tweet by MSM re WH COS admiting Biden Admin was trying to circumvent Constitution to force people to be vaccinated.

    -Only appeal now is thru Justice Alito to SCOTUS.

    You can read the ruling here.

    These stories are developing, more info as we receive...

    It's been a busy evening when it comes to vaccine-tyranny.


    BREAKING: Oklahoma National Guard’s new top general ends COVID vaccine mandate 


    U.S. federal appeals court affirms hold on Biden's vaccine mandate, calls it "staggeringly overbroad".

    Biden's vaccine mandate "raises serious constitutional concerns" and "likely exceeds the federal government’s authority."

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    Is there ANYTHING this administration does that is LEGAL. Thats alright though because unlike President Trump this administration will just ignore it because with the msm in their back pocket they can.


    I received my annual business license renewal today. This time the city included a form that appears to be from OSHA. Wants to know if my business employs greater or fewer than 100 persons. They're pushing this through no matter what. Anyone else have this situation?


    A rare victory for the good guys. ButJoe will just foist the mandate on us another way...


    This decision by the appeals court will go to SCOTUS, maybe. The commie administration may just keep pushing the mandate irregardless of what any judges rule.
    My take is that each step by the illegal administration curtails more and more of our rights and freedoms protected by the Constitution in an effort to start a massive uprising of patriotic citizens. Then they will fall back on the Constitution to declare Martial Law and then the game is truly on.
    These EOs are nothing more than seeing how far they can go before the patriots, the common sense majority, rebel. If they ever figure out a way to take the guns from the citizens, as in Australia and Venezuela, this nation is done. That will be the key to it all. Right now, the minority leftists are scared poopless of the armed patriotic citizens of this country. And, they should be. If they weren't, there'd be tanks and APCs everywhere.


    Read the order. It’s not permanent. They just agreed to the stay. Not an injunction. It’s not over yet guys 😢

    Michigan J Frogg

    Much like XXX, I want to know has this failure of an admin done anything lawfully?


    Sadly, K, We'll know it's really over once some judge upholds the mandate. Until then the Dems just get to keep biting at the apple, so to speak.

    King M Baker

    As it said the only chance at this point is for them to appeal to Justice Alito - which he will dismiss and then it is an injunction. Read the details as well


    Agree. I guess people just believe what they want to believe, and parrot good news even though it is false. But for those too lazy to actually READ the ruling, let me help you: "..For these reasons, the petitioners’ motion for a stay pending review is GRANTED. ....... Temporary Standard”22 remains STAYED pending adequate judicial review
    of the petitioners’ underlying motions for a permanent injunction..". ...... "PENDING".


    But yet this doesn’t apply to NY apparently because NYDOH and the Twisted Governor are still requiring vaccine or, “reasonable accommodation” defined as daily or weekly testing/ possibly me as a nurse wearing an n95 literally all day, or get fired. I don’t understand how they can get away with over riding law.

    Richard Pond

    Something still needs to be done about Medicare reimbursement for Healthcare systems so we don't lose more Healthcare providers.


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