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President Donald Trump gave a powerful speech to an energized, massive crowd in Florence, Arizona last night as the Trump rallies return ahead of the Red Wave coming in November of this year to reclaim the republic from the illegitimate Biden* presidency.

However, there was one glaring difference in Trump's speech -- he didn't push the vaccines.

Instead, the former POTUS reminded the crowd of his successful push for effective therapeutics against the CCP virus, and the primacy of natural immunity in children.

Trump was noticeably booed in a recent speech, and took criticism after an interview with Candace Owens, when he said everyone should get vaxed if they want to. His comments were most likely due to ego and POTUS having been fooled by Fauci and others around him as to the true purpose of the gene therapies called 'vaccines'.

It seems the message has been received by Trump that the vaccines are killing the public.

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