• MOVIE REVIEW: 2000 Mules

    May 5, 2022

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    We just left a jam packed theater where we watched Dinesh D’Souza’s 2000 Mules documentary.  

    The crowd was enthusiastically curious and the documentary did not disappoint….except for the fact that such egregious fraud on our 2020 election occurred through a highly organized network funded by non profits and organizations intent on their party winning at any cost.  

    The irrefutable fraud evidence was collected via tools that law enforcement regularly uses to solve crimes.  Geofencing technology tracked thousands of ballot traffickers, aka “mules”, whose daily journeys involved dropping multiple ballots in multiple ballot boxes.  

    They were paid by the ballot and took photos of their drops as proof of job completion.  Some were brazen enough to drop multiple ballots in drop boxes in broad daylight but most worked deep into the night.   They must have had networked communications too because they all began wearing disposable gloves following an arrest made using identified fingerprints on some ballots.GA was prominent in the documentary.  

    Fulton County had hundreds of mules visiting hundreds of drop boxes with thousands and thousands of ballots.  

    Based on True the Vote’s Founder, Catherine Engelbrecht, in an earlier interview, GA leadership was made aware of the fraud evidence months ago and the GBI was advised to debunk it.  How convenient for Kemp and Raffensperger, who claimed over and over that GA. elections were clean!  The challenge will be getting the powers that be to investigate the widespread fraud.

    It Should be SO easy to bring in traffickers because their cellphones have been identified!  Moral courage and political will are hard to come by with political elites,  however.  Let’s see what happens as the movie swells in attendance.  

    Anyone interested can watch the virtual premier by going to 2000mules.com and purchasing tickets online to watch virtually.  I encourage everyone to do so, regardless of party.

    Election fraud cannot stand in America. 

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    Jersey Prophet

    Will there be opportunities to see 2000 Mules in the days following this Saturday? We have a prior commitment.


    There was no showing near me so I went on the 2000mules website and ordered a dvd to be sent to my house. We need to support the people that try.


    Wow, they say this is so important, the fate of America is on the line but your looking to profit from this! Why isn’t this free? Release it and get paid by donations! Ya give me $20 and I’ll show you what happened.


    Whatnot, what's wrong with you? They are NOT making a profit, but creating and making a documentary is very expensive. Do you thing that they have the money to pay for it all on their own?
    Contributions would be great, but there is nothing wrong with paying for a ticket.
    This is the actual truth of fraud that we have been screaming for. I'd pay any amount to see it.
    Now I pray that something can be done about it.


    Looks like a good documentary...but we know what they did. This will be ignored, too...

    C Citizen

    Hey Whatnot. Show your proof if you have it. Documentaries cost $. Simple deduction really.

    Irate Nate

    Sure hope it stays around for a while. Every theater near me that is showing it has been sold out.

    David Henry

    The 2000 Mules article states in plain English that starting May 8,2022, the film will be made freely available on Rumble/locals

    Ben Colder

    I usually do not watch movies but I think I will go see this one.You know I am so pissed at the RINO bastards I have had it with them and as for the dirty dems they are nothing but communists and have been for the last ten years there is no democrat party it is dead .I will never again vote for a RINO done that for the last time They will either be MAGA or I will not vote .As far as voting again I really don't think it will matter the elections will all be rigged again.


    Remember: Pence and Barr said they didn't see any evidence of voter irregularities !!! What they MEANT to say was, they didn't WANT to see voting irregularities !

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