• Tabloid Journalism Lands On Capitol Hill - Jan 6th Committee Hires Producer For “Blockbuster” Prime-Time Point Of View Hyped-Production

    June 6, 2022
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    Image by Jordan L'Hôte

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    The late ABC News President, Roone Arledge, would be rolling over in his grave, as would television network giants like the late Sander Vanocur, and ABC News’ legendary Political Director, Hal Bruno - both mentors of mine - to learn that James Goldston, the former ABC News president is serving as a “secret advisor” to “produce” the so-called Select Committee on January 6 hearing with the intention of turning this into more drama.  

    Tabloid television journalism has just landed on Capitol Hill corrupting the U.S. House of Representatives.

    It should not be lost on anyone in America that on May 2 - right before the real beginning of the primary season in May that reports surfaced about the U.S. Supreme Court’s first draft on abortion, and now going into the June primaries, the country is hit with more drama to get out the vote. 

    The Supreme Court’s integrity was corrupted and now, the U.S. House of Representatives is being corrupted as an institution. 

    American taxpayers should be infuriated by this twisted scenario to produce a “point of view” television production about this moment in history. The lack of judgement portrayed by everyone involved in this decision smacks of a lack of morals and ethics, especially, those at the network level, who are buying into this sham. And, everyone from Speaker Nancy Pelosi on down the ladder. This type of politics is corrosive to the republic and needs to come to a screeching halt. 

    Americans have had enough lies, especially after the last years over the Steele dossier and covid. 

    Goldston has been in the news business in the U.S. for years, but he hails from the U.K. originally. Goldston’s long-standing relationship with the controversial journalist, Martin Bashir, raises a whole set of questions why anyone on the Hill would make this choice, and especially, with Goldston. 

    Bashir and Goldston worked together at Panorama, and later at ABC News. Bashir had a graphic artist doctor bank statements insinuating that the late Princess Diana’s staff were being paid for information in off-shore accounts, which led to Bashir nailing the 1995 infamous interview with the princess. That was exposed during an investigation. 

    They teamed up to follow Michael Jackson and Bashir ended up testifying in his case. When journalists and producer morph stories into hype, everyone should be wary. 

    I will never forget Martin calling to tell me “we are going to Neverland”, which was the start of an extraordinary two-year journey with Michael Jackson.  The documentary that followed caused quite a stir, and led Martin and I to a new adventure in the United States,” writes Goldston on his blog. 

    The committee tapped Goldston to help convert a cache of documents, depositions, recorded footage and other materials related to the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot into compelling television for those who have not closely followed the proceedings.

    The broadcast is being treated as if it is a “blockbuster investigative special,” Axios reported.

    The committee is slated to hold its first primetime hearing at 8 p.m. ET Thursday. The evening time slot is a departure compared to typical congressional hearings held during the day. 

    On paper, there are two republicans serving on this Jan. 6 committee. Liz Cheney (R-WY) is one of them.  She has raised a boatload of money but behind in the Wyoming polls. Wyoming primary is slated for August. 

    By definition, one can call this a Select Committee, but in reality, with prime time slots for the opening act, and a producer leaning into a docu-drama format, Capitol Hill has sunk to a new low. 

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    And the secret was let out when Carl Bernstein, who also served as ABC News Washington Bureau Chief decades ago, stated on CNN his opinion in the last few days, with Bob Woodward that Trump was a “seditious” president, and never before seen evidence to come. Perhaps, there is a book deal cut on the side with them. 

    Perhaps, there is a movie deal somewhere down the road for someone else. These are questions the American public - on both sides - should be asking because however you shake it - it is American taxpayers’ money who hired Goldston. 

    At least two networks, ABC and CBS, are reportedly planning live coverage of the primetime hearing.

    Goldston abruptly resigned from ABC News in January 2021 after a 17-year run at the network right before the BBC apologized and paid Princess Diane’s former secretary over the way Bashir obtained the 1995 interview with Princess Diana. 

    “It’s a really tough decision. I’ve loved every day of my 17 years at ABC News, but in recent times I’ve always assumed that after this extraordinary election cycle, which we’ve covered at a full sprint for four years, it would be time for a change,” Goldston said in a memo to staffers obtained by Page Six at the time.

    This is a developing story. 

    Christine Dolan has worked for four U.S. networks, including but not limited, for Hal Bruno at ABC News, and served as the Political Director at CNN, and has covered politics for 40 years.


    Christine Dolan

    Christine Dolan is a seasoned Investigative Journalist, television producer, author, and photographer. She is Co-Founder of American Conversations whose format focuses on in-depth analysis of critical issues about “the story behind the headlines.”
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