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TWEET TRANSLATED: President Jair Bolsonaro and the President of the PL, Valdemar Costa Neto, inform that their party filed a representation at the TSE Court to ask for the annulment of votes cast in models of ballot boxes from boxes 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013 and 2015 in the 2022 elections after an audit by the party.

Signed by lawyer Marcelo Luiz Ávila de Bessa, the representation cites the technical audit report made by the Instituto Voto Legal (IVL), hired by the PL, which would have found “consistent evidence of malfunctioning of electronic voting machines”, reported CNN Brazil.

“In files that do not contain the correct electronic voting machine identification code, it is impossible to univocally correlate the data recorded there with the events that actually occurred in the factual world, whether they be votes or human interventions”, says the document.

“The lack of adequate individualization of the essential documents issued by the ballot boxes and the serious consequences resulting therefrom call into question, objectively, the transparency of the electoral process itself.”

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