• January 6 Select Committee Members Deciding Criminal Referrals Soon With Four On The Near Horizon

    December 9, 2022
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    Editor's Note - The Jan 6 'Select Committee' has not followed the rules for setting up a 'Select Committee' in the House and is seen as a political witch hunt.

    The January 6 House Select Committee is considering criminal referrals for four individuals in addition to former President Donald Trump, but there may be more in the future as they move closer to their December 21st final report. 

    The committee is focusing on former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, attorney John Eastman, former Justice Department official Jeffrey Clark, and Rudy Giuliani.

    The committee is expected to decide on these four by Sunday when the committee members are expected to reach a decision, but they are not stopping with these four. 

    “I think the more we looked at the body of evidence that we had collected, we just felt that while we’re not in the business of investigating people for criminal activities, we just couldn’t overlook some of them,” said Congressman Bennie Thompson (D-MS) on Thursday, who is Chair of the January 6 Committee. 

    “I think anyone who engages in criminal actions needs to be held accountable for them. And we are going to spell that out,” said Democratic Rep. Jamie Raskin of Maryland. “The gravest offense in constitutional terms is the attempt to overthrow a presidential election and bypass the constitutional order. Subsidiary to all of that are a whole host of statutory offenses, which support the gravity and magnitude of that violent assault on America,” Raskin added.

    “We will make referrals. As to how many, we’ve not decided that yet,” Thomson told the press this week. 

    The committee’s final report and vote publicly on criminal referrals is expected on December 21.

    “There will be some form of public presentation. We haven’t decided exactly what that would be,” Thompson said.

    The committee subpoenaed Meadows for documents and testimony in September 2021. Meadows handed over more than 2,000 text messages he sent and received between election day 2020 and Joe Biden’s inauguration in January 2021. Meadows did not turn over other documents.

    Criminal and contempt referrals are different and Raskin noted such this week when he addressed the press. 

    “We obviously did send contempt of Congress referrals earlier and there’s a whole statutory process for making that happen,” Raskin said. “…we will explain our decisions in detail – why we are making certain kinds of referrals for certain people and other kinds for others.”

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    When Eastman sat for an interview with the panel in 2021, Eastman invoked the Fifth Amendment.

    The FBI had seized his phone, and a federal judge ordered him to turn over his emails. 

    The January 6 Committee claimed that Eastman was integral to the pressure Trump directed upon then-Vice President Mike Pence to compel to overturn the election results.

    Jeffrey Clark invoked the Fifth amendment more than 100 times during his deposition with the committee. Federal investigators raided Clark’s home.  

    During the committee hearings, the testimony focused on Rep. Scott Perry, a Pennsylvania Republican, who connected Clark to the Trump White House in December 2020.

     The committee released text messages Perry exchanged with Meadows about Clark.

    “He wanted Mr. Clark – Mr. Jeff Clark to take over the Department of Justice,” testified Cassidy Hutchinson before the committee privately and later played during the committee hearings.

    Rudy Guiliani met with the Select Committee for more than nine hours.

    The January 6 Select Committee alleged that Giuliani was in contact with Trump and members of Congress “regarding strategies for delaying for overturning the results of the 2020 election.”


    Christine Dolan

    Christine Dolan is a seasoned Investigative Journalist, television producer, author, and photographer. She is Co-Founder of American Conversations whose format focuses on in-depth analysis of critical issues about “the story behind the headlines.”
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