• Day 4 - U.S. House Speaker Ballots Shifted Towards McCarthy, But Not Enough On Friday Afternoon

    January 6, 2023
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    Bannon: McCarthy Knows He Won’t Win On The First Ballot, Kevin Could Make Deal With Democrats

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    On Day 4 of the 12th ballot for the U.S. House of Representatives’ Speaker’s votes, 14 Freedom Caucus members casted their votes from “Never McCarthy” to “Voting for McCarthy” pushing republican Kevin McCarthy ahead of democratic Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) as Speaker of the House, but it was not enough to elect McCarthy then. 

    But, something dramatically changed as the momentum built during the 13th ballot late on the fourth day of the Speaker’s vote. 

    “If the agreement we were able to finalize over the last fews days is implemented it will be the greatest change in how the House operates and becomes responsive to Americans in at least two generations,” texted Rep. Andy Harris (R-MD) to CDMedia exclusively before the Congressman tweeted it out.  

    Earlier in the day, going into the 12th ballot, there were several Freedom Caucus hold-outs, but they diminished as the day wore on. 

    Seven republican McCarthy hold-outs held back with force. McCarthy needed only three of those votes to bring him to the threshold of 217 to win the Speaker’s election at that time.

    The final 12th Speaker’s ballot with a total of 431 votes were:

    Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA):    213

    Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY):   211

    Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH):               4

    Rep Kevin Hern (D-OK):                 3       

    With backdoor negotiations continuing from Thursday night into Friday morning, some issues were still outstanding. Freedom Caucus members were negotiating for three seats on the House Rules Committee. Sources told CDMedia that McCarthy would pick one of the three seats and the Freedom Caucus would pick the remaining two. 

    Rep. Scott Perry (R-PA) had changed his vote to McCarthy and exclaimed that the negotiations on both sides were “done in good faith.” 

    Rep. Keith Self (R-TX) changed his vote from “No McCarthy” to “McCarthy,” and tweeted that there were “significant rule changes with significant powers shifting from leadership to the people.” 

    “A lot of movement today,” said Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) to the press on the Hill as well. 

    To open up the Day Four and the 12th Speaker’s ballot, House members had gathered with a prayer followed by a quorum count. 

    Rep. Mike Garcia (R-CA) rose to nominate Kevin McCarthy, saying “This is not about Kevin McCarthy. I do not put anyone on a pedestal, although calling America a “wobbling top.” 

    Garcia went down a long list of stupendous issues facing the country - open borders, increase of fentanyl deaths, human smuggling, uncontrollable debt, underfunded law enforcement, Communist Chinese Party intellectual property theft, Chinese internal genocide and their covid genocide globally. 

    “The most important wins are not easy,” acclaimed Garcia. “We are on the verge of a very important victory for the people and by the people,” he noted.

    He said he was glad to see the “end of a proxy vote.”

    Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC) then rose to nominate Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) again for the 12th time, and thanked House Clerk Cheryl Johnson and acknowledged her for “the eyes of the country upon you,” in a very gracious way. The well of House of Chamber in unison stood up and applauded her and her staff. 

    “This body has a unique role in this government - What we do and how we do it matters,” said Clyburn, and then he launched into the remembrance of January 6, 2021. 

    “We survived,” proclaimed Clyburn.  

    Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) followed to the microphone taking exception to Republican Rep. Garcia’s endorsement of Kevin McCarthy and nominated Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH).

    “McCarthy does not have the votes,” and then Gaetz questioned if the entire exercise was about McCarthy’s “vanity.” 

    Gaetz continued with a non-stop criticism of McCarthy obviously making some republican members uncomfortable even though they had not voted for McCarthy. 

    Some literally rose up and exited the House chamber seemingly in embarrassment by Gaetz’s strident criticism. 

    “We do not trust Mr. McCarthy with power. We trust Jim Jordan and I am going to vote for him,” exclaimed Gaetz. 

    With that, Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) nominated Rep. Kevin Hern (R—OK) again. 

    “Kevin unites this republican conference and puts forth this conservative agenda,” stated Boebert. 

    Then the House turned to the 13th Speaker’s ballot. 

    Rep. James Comer (R—KY), who is expected to be the Chairman of the House Oversight Committee, nominated Kevin McCarthy citing that there has not been any oversight hearings for years under former Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s past leadership. 

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    Comer noted the issues before the country - fentanyl, law enforcement, debt-ceiling, Afghanistan pullout “debacle,” and “U.S. border crises,” and not knowing covid-19 origins are not acceptable. 

    “What really happened in that lab in Wuhan China?,” asked Comer. “Congress ran the debt up to at least $3 billion during Covid-19.” 

    Comer complimented McCarthy that he has designed rules to bring Fauci before the House of Representatives, which has never been done before. 

    He called upon the Oversight committee investigating what President Biden was involved in - “in Ukraine, Russia and China.” 

    There are “a lot of questions for Fauci, Wray and Garland.” 

    “Representatives Biggs, Jordan and Donalds on the Oversight Committee will hold bureaucrats accountable,” said Comer.

    Rep.Veronica Escobar (D-TX) then stood to nominate Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) as Speaker calling him “a uniter, not a divider.” 

    The 13th Speaker’s Tally of 432 votes concluded:

    Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA):    214

    Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY):   212

    Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH):               6

    Following the tally of the vote, Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) spoke. 

    “With grateful appreciation of what your staff has been doing, I move to stand to adjourn until 10pm tonight,” stated Scalise to House of Representatives Clerk Cheryle Johnson.

    Then, an electronic roll call was taken, and the House session adjourned until 10pm on Friday. 


    Christine Dolan

    Christine Dolan is a seasoned Investigative Journalist, television producer, author, and photographer. She is Co-Founder of American Conversations whose format focuses on in-depth analysis of critical issues about “the story behind the headlines.”
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    Gates and the rest of those idiots are doing nothing more than making it easier for the trash democrats to get the votes for the psycho they have just waiting for his chance to destroy the country even more.
    I’m not saying they need to vote for McCarthy, they are absolutely right that he’s one of the last republicans we could have as speaker, he a major RINO.
    But Gates and the rest are screwing up by constantly voting for a different person during every vote! They are just frustrating the people they need to jump on their side. If they don’t stick with one person and vote for that one person every time others may just join them.


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