• Impeachment Articles Filed Against DHS’s Mayorkas

    January 10, 2023

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    During the week President Joe Biden visited the southern border since his 2020 election, Texas Republican Rep. Pat Fallon did what he said he would do. Fallon on Monday filed articles of impeachment for “high crimes and misdemeanors” against Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. 

    The articles, known as House Resolution 8 have been referred to the House Judiciary Committee. 

    "Since day one, Secretary Mayorkas’ policies have undermined law enforcement activities at our southern border," Fallon said in a public statement last week "From perjuring himself before Congress about maintaining operational control of the border to the infamous ‘whip-gate’ slander against our border patrol agents, Secretary Mayorkas has proven time and time again that he is unfit to lead the Department of Homeland Security.”

    This is the first of many efforts by House Republicans who plan on initiating against the Biden Administration now that they have gained control of the House following the 2022 mid-term elections.

    "His willful actions have eroded our immigration system, undermined border patrol morale, and jeopardized American national security. He has violated the law and it is time for him to go," Fallon noted.

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    Fallon's first article alleges that Mayorkas has failed to faithfully execute the "Secure the Fence Act of 2006." The article says that law requires the secretary of Homeland Security to "maintain operational control over the entire international land and maritime borders of the United States."

    The second article alleges that Mayorkas, "in violation of his constitutional oath, willfully provided perjurious, false, and misleading testimony to Congress." To back up that charge, the article quotes Mayorkas' testimony during April 26 and Nov. 15 congressional hearings when he said the border was secure even though there is a plethora of evidence that contradicts those statements. 

    The final of the three articles charges that Mayorkas "publicly and falsely slandered" border agents who were accused – but later cleared – of whipping Haitian migrants in Del Rio, Texas, in 2021.

    "The 511-page report by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection's Office of Personal Responsibility found ‘no evidence that [Border Patrol agents] involved in this incident struck, intentionally or otherwise, any migrant with their reins,’" Fallon writes. "Secretary Mayorkas slandered his own Border Patrol agents and TXDPS Troopers involved in this incident, contributing to a further decrease in already-low morale among agents."

    Newly elected House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, after a visit to El Paso in late November, called for Mayorkas to resign then and forewarned Mayorkas the if he did not, an impeachment inquiry would begin after Republicans officially took control of the House.

    "If Secretary Mayorkas does not resign, House Republicans will investigate every order, every action and every failure and will determine whether we can begin impeachment inquiry," McCarthy said at the time. 

    Holding steadfast just days ago, Mayorkas said he will not resign over his handling of the border crisis.

    Appearing on ABC's "This Week" on Sunday, Mayorkas hyped President Biden's trip to El Paso, Texas. When asked by anchor George Stephanopoulos to respond to McCarthy's call for him to resign, and whether he had any intention to resign, Mayorkas buckled down.

    "I do not. I've got a lot of work to do, and we're going to do it," Mayorkas told Stephanopoulos. 


    Christine Dolan

    Christine Dolan is a seasoned Investigative Journalist, television producer, author, and photographer. She is Co-Founder of American Conversations whose format focuses on in-depth analysis of critical issues about “the story behind the headlines.”
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    Phuck Biden

    Mayorkas is nothing but a low IQ two-bit incompetent pimp ripping off the taxpayers. The dishonest, immoral, LYING pimp needs to pay back the taxpayer monies provided for his miserable salary. This is more of criminal Biden scum that needs to go to prison.


    ...as is the case with all of the Biden admin appointees. NONE are qualified.

    Joel Schmoe

    This individual doesn't like America. I will leave it at that. I am being very measured in my words regarding Mayorkas.




    We’ll have to see how far this goes. They have more than enough evidence to impeach the clown but Soros and the Democrats own most people in our government, they bought them all off with OUR MONEY.

    Soldier Zan

    He looks like a rodent, like a reinigan from that show Grimm.


    Well, it's about LGD time, someone put that POS feet to the fire !!!

    Erik Vornoff

    Lots of noise, nothing will happen.


    #FJB and all the democrats destroying this country.


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