• New Bill Targets Conservative Speech And Would Classify It As 'Domestic Violence Extremism'

    March 9, 2023

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    Washington State Attorney General Bob Ferguson is pushing a new bill that would classify free speech as domestic terrorism. The legislature is being called "the most dangerous bill in legislative history."

    The measure would require the creation of a 13-member panel to determine what is disinformation and misinformation rising to the level of "domestic violence extremism."

    The panel would be charged with collecting data on incidents that it chooses to be domestic violent extremism and would classify noncriminal activities or certain types of speech as the same.

    The bill has come under intense criticism for targeting conservative voices and criminalizing anyone who expresses an opinion that counters the Democrat-prescribed narrative.

    "This commission is specifically designed to target conservatives and quash any government opposition, which is why the legislation purposefully ignores Antifa and Black Lives Matter extremists. Indeed, it expressly supports those tactics," Seattle KTTH talk-show host Jason Rantz wrote. Rantz also referred to the legislation as, "the most dangerous bill in legislative history."

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    According to Rantz, the concept behind the bill is to "take preemptive measures to stop actual domestic terrorist acts through community intervention," and getting people identified as "extremists" to undergo counseling or other measures.

    AG Ferguson told PBS host Laura Barrón-López, "Let's engage in prevention, of getting folks - avoiding them being radicalized in the first place. If somebody is radicalized and wants removal, move away from that, how can we help them with counseling, for example, to get them away from that ideology?"

    "So, looking at it from a more holistic standpoint, we think, addresses prevention, addresses helping folks who've been radicalized and take a more holistic view of this to address what is a huge challenge, not just in Washington state, but all across the country," Ferguson added.

    Rantz, on the other hand, told Fox News on Friday, "They say this is about violence, but it's not about violence. It's actually about speech."

    "We already have laws on the books that very clearly address violence. What they're trying to do with this commission is create what they're calling a 'public health appraoch' to some of these ideologies," Rantz continued.

    "They are singularly focused on the Right," Rantz added.

    "What this commission will end up doing is... recommending legislation that could not only lead to imprisoning people for having certain kinds of political positions, but also forcing them into counseling," Rantz concluded.

    One thing is for sure, the new legislature has a very Orwellian feel and tone and should certainly have conservatives and liberals alike concerned.


    Jen Snow

    Jen Snow is a former paralegal turned freelance writer who has a passion for foreign affairs. When not writing, she can be found curled up with her dog and a good book or outside playing in the Florida sun.
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    Banning the Bible is next for 'hate speech'. Too many Lie-beral Demonocrat 'feelings' have been 'offended'.

    Linda estilette

    Someone needs counseling and behavior modification and it is not the conservatives , these kind of nuts belong in prison.


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