• New Zogby Poll Shows RFK, Jr At 19% In 3-Way General Election

    October 2, 2023
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    A new Zogby poll of likely general election voters shows that in a three-way race between Kennedy, Trump, and Biden, RFK Jr. enters the contest at 19% with Biden and Trump at 38% each. Kennedy would be the highest-polling independent or 3rd party candidate to enter a presidential election in the modern era, starting off where Ross Perot finished—after spending an enormous amount of money, reported American Values 2024 PAC in a press release.

    “If this Poll shows anything,” said Tony Lyons, Co-Chairman of American Values 2024, “it’s that Kennedy can win as an independent candidate in 2024.”

    Among likely Democratic Primary voters, Kennedy has surged to 27% nationally, despite the most intense and comprehensive smear campaign against any presidential candidate in recent American political history. Kennedy has shown incredible resilience. “If Kennedy decides to run as an independent candidate,” said Tony Lyons, co-chairman of American Values 2024, “it would be to give voters the choice that the DNC has denied them.  Independent-minded Democrats have made it clear: They want the opportunity to select their candidate in a free, open, and fair primary process.”

    The poll was commissioned by American Values 2024 PAC.


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