• 22 RINOs Vote Against Jordan In Second Round In Effort To Hand House To Democrats - Liz Cheney For Speaker!!

    October 18, 2023
    Public Domain

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    22 fake Republicans just voted against Jim Jordan for speaker of the house, allowing Democrats to possibly collude with RINOs to put Liz Cheney in the third most powerful office in the land.

    Here are the names:

    Don Bacon (NE-2nd)

    Linda Chevez-Deremer (OR-5th)


    Vern Buchanan (FL-16th)

    Andrew Garbarino (NY 2nd)

    Jake Ellzey (TX-6th)

    Jen Higgins (VA-2nd)

    Drew Ferguson (GA-3rd)

    Ken Buck (CO-4th)

    Mario Diaz-Balart (FL-26th)

    Nick Lalota (NY-1st)

    Kay Granger (TX-12th)

    Mike Lawler (NY-17th)

    Marinette Miller-Meeks (IA-2nd)

    John James (MI-10th)

    Tony Gonzales (TX-23rd)

    Carols Gimenez (FL-28th)

    Mike Kelly (PA-16th)

    John Rutherford (FL-5th)

    Mike Simpson (ID-2nd)

    Pete Stauber (MN-8th)

    Steve Womack (AR-3rd)

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    Eff the Rinosaurs. Time to start a new party.

    You gonna eat that?

    Trump should have after 2020 it's a little late now to jump through the hoops for 2024. I'm not sure it'll matter after this election.

    Michael Bertron

    If Liz Cheney is voted in as Speaker of the House I will change parties from Republican to Independent and will only vote for Donald Trump as President in 2025.


    Ken Buck is supposedly the rep of the most Republican district (4) in my state. Yet he's making a total idiot of himself on this. I've lived in Colorado for over thirty years and I am now embarrassed,,,,embarrassed to have to admit I'm a resident.

    And Michael Bertron, several years ago I did exactly what you mention: changed parties from Republican to Independent and only voted for Donald Trump.

    Ben Colder

    I have had it with the RINOs all my life these bastards have been screwing all the republican voters over and I have had it I quit the RINO party after they screwed Trump over the last election and they were in cahoots with the communist party on rigging the election .Now they are doing it again on Jordon all because he was a Trump supporter this BS has to stop or this country will be under one party rule and we are nearly there and its all the fault of these RINO pos like Liz Cheney No way .

    F D

    Primary them 2024 election cycle.


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