• ElectionWatch 2024-The “Unity Roar Of The Lion” Present At The RNC Convention 

    July 16, 2024
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    The themes at the first day of the Republican National Convention were “Restore America’s Economy” and “Make America Wealthy Again,” but there was much more - the “Roar of the Lion for Unity” beat the drum and stood out. 

    Former President Donald J. Trump arrived at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee on the first night. 

    Trump’s appearance on the first night as a presidential nominee was historically unprecedented.  Party presidential nominees usually arrive on the fourth night historically of their party’s convention when they deliver their acceptance speeches. 

    Monday was different and moving following the attempted assassination upon Donald Trump over the weekend in Pennsylvania. 

    Donald J. Trump walked into the convention arena and headed to his family’s private box in a surprise appearance as his old friend Lee Greenwood sang his song, “God Bless the U.S.A.” 

    “You will not take this man down,” said Greenwood to the 20,000 plus audience. 

    “Ladies and Gentlemen, the 45th President of the United and soon to be the 47th President of the United States,” announced Greenwood in between his lyrics. 

    Seated in the family box, Donald Trump was flanked by Vice-President Republican candidate JD Vance, Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, Congressman Byron Donalds, and Tucker Carlson. 

    Trump took in the love, praise and admiration, as his supporters clapped in admiration and chanted “Fight, Fright Fight.” 

    It was an emotion ending towards the end of the first day of the convention, but the show was not over. 

    Earlier in the day, convention attendees  renominated Trump officially as the Republican presidential candidate for the third time.  

    The former president had announced Ohio U.S. Senator JD Vance as his running mate. The delegates officially voted Vance as the vice-presidential nominee as Vance made his way across the convention floor.

    By Monday night, the 20,000 plus republican delegates re-gathered for the second session. They witnessed the military guard followed by the national anthem. 

    U.S. Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin took to the podium stage Monday night before the former president entered the convention hall.  

    Johnson delivered a fiery message to Americans. 

    “Families do not want welfare. They want work.  They do not want WOKE. They want God willing equality. Americans want the promise of our Founders for happiness. United Americans will complete Trump’s 2016 mission to make America Great Again,” noted Senator Johnson. 

    It was reported on FOX that JD Vance did not found out that he was Trump’s vice-presidential choice until 20 minutes before Trump posted his choice on social media earlier in the day. 

    The assassination attempt upon Trump on Saturday changed the mood among the delegates who were already in Milwaukee on Saturday. It was clear that this was Trump’s populist party and they were with him. 

    “Unite the country,” said former Congressman Jason Chaffee in FOX’s booth at the convention. 

    Trump “took a bullet like he did for America and showed his toughness,” emphasized Chaffee. 

    From the podium, South Carolina U.S. Senator Tim Scott shouted, “Four more years of Donald Trump - if you did not believe in miracles before Saturday, you better be believing right now.” 

    “Thank God we believe in a country of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords,” shouted Scott from the podium to an applause. 

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    “An American lion got back up on his feet and roared. He roared. He roared,” shouted Scott referring to Trump’s response having been hit with a bullet on Saturday. 

    Scott called out President Joe Biden. 

    “Joe Biden is asleep at the wheel and we are headed over a cliff,” said Scott. 

    “There is pain on the faces of gold star families because Biden forgets [during his CNN debate] that their loved ones “died on his watch,” emphasized Scott.  

    “We deserved so much better,” shouted Scott. “America is not a racist country,” said Scott, an African American US Senator. 

    “If you are looking for racism you find it in cities run by democrats. South side of Chicago, where thousands are shot every single year. It is conservative values that restores hope…partnered with Donald Trump…biggest tax cuts ever for single moms and neighbors, but they give illegal immigrants free hotel rooms while our veterans sleep on the street. Donald Trump secured our borders once and will secure them again,” shouted Scott. 

    “Not just for four years but on a course for the next 40 years,” said Scott hopefully. 

    Scott noted former slave and great abolitionist, Frederick Douglass, Presidents Abraham Lincoln, Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump. 

    Speaking on what direction the country should move forward, Scott was emphatic. 

    “Only one person can make that vision a reality, and that is Donald J. Trump,” said Scott. 

    There were discussions on conservative networks.  All agreed that there will be close scrutiny on JD Vance, but his truthful story of his life is a tribute to the American dream. 

    Vance grew up in poverty, had a hard time as a child. His father was in jail. Both he and his mother were alcoholics. His mother was a drug addict. His grandmother raised him. Vance is an American who had the odds against him. He is an American standard bearer to what it means to be an American who can climb the ladder despite the odds against any American. 

    He wrote a book when he was 31 years of age. Although 39 years of age today, Vance is a testimony that dreams are possible. The horizons have no limits. His book was turned into a movie. 

    Governor Glenn Youngkin of Virginia also took to the podium. 

    “Ask for God’s Grace to protect victims, unity and Donald Trump,” said the governor. 

    “At 15 years of age after my Father lost his job I learned there is dignity in work,” emphasized Youngkin. 

    Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders of Arkansas made the rounds to the networks and called out the attack on Trump on Saturday as “not just an attack on him but upon our country.”

    Fox Anchor Sean Hannity interviewed Vance in the FOX convention booth. 

    Vance told how he received “the call” from Donald Trump earlier Monday. He had no idea if the call was to reject him or accept him as Trump’s vice-presidential choice. Vance’s seven-year-old son was acting up in the background. He was lost on what to do but the former president asked to speak with Vance’s son.  

    Trump got to the purpose of the call. 

    He wanted Vance help him “save the country and you are the guy who can help me govern and win.” 

    Because of Vance’s impoverished family, his grandmother used to negotiate with Meals on Wheels and hence, he is sensitive to Biden’s grocery and gas prices. 

    Like many who were fed media lies in 2016, Vance admitted in the interview with Hannity that he bought in the lies then, but no more. 

    Today, Vance’s mother is ten years sober. He believes that because of Biden’s policies, Americans are being deprived of second chances. 

    David Sacks, former CEO of Yammer also took to the stage. His speech focusing on keeping America safe and not playing police man to the world and encouraging talk with our adversaries as well as friends to make peace. 

    “We must stand up to warmongers instead of empowering them,” said Sacks. .

    There were podium speeches from Charlie Kirk of Turning, Senator Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee, and TV Reality Star Amber Rose.

    Rose, whose father served in the U.S. military for over 20 years admitted that she thought Trump was a racist. Her father told her that was not true. She did her homeward and realized that she was lied to by the legacy media. 

    “When you fill up your gas tank, you are pissed and when you turned on the news, you are depressed. Left told me to hate Trump…American families are better with Trump. It is a vote to make America great again,” said Rose from the podium. 

    Latino American Linda Fornos admitted to the GOP audience what many cannot not. 

    “In 2020, I made a mistake, especially to this room. I voted or Joe Biden. Im sorry. Im sorry. He has made me regret it. This November I won’t be taken for granted. This time I will not regret it. Please join me in voting for Donald J. Trump,” said Fornos to an applause. 

    Then towards the end of the first night of the Republican National Convention Sean OBrien, the General President of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, took to the stage and brought the house down. 

    O’Brien is from Boston. He belongs to a long dynasty of Teamsters. He did not hold back. He was the first Teamster to address a Republican National Convention. 

    “I see American workers taken for granted and sold out to big tech and elites and banks and families see it too,” said O’Brien in a fiery speech. 

    O’Brien said that Trump had the “backbone” to open the republican convention to Teamsters and “was not afraid to hear from new and critical voices.” 

    Trump is “one tough SOB” said O’Brien as Trump sat in the family box flanked by 20,000 in attendance who knew that, especially since Saturday after Trump was shot, stood up, threw his fist up in the air, and told his supporters, “Fight, Fight, Fight.” 

    Before the night was over, Elon Musk and his supporters have now pledged $45 million a month to get out republican voters with mail in ballot, early balloting and ballot harvesting within the Republican Party. 

    Hang on America - the assassination was Saturday, but the political game is about to change! 



    Christine Dolan

    Christine Dolan is a seasoned Investigative Journalist, television producer, author, and photographer. She is Co-Founder of American Conversations whose format focuses on in-depth analysis of critical issues about “the story behind the headlines.”
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