• Biden’s Farewell Address 

    July 26, 2024
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    Hollow, Desperate, Misleading? All Of The Above! 

    Joe Lost Power, But Did He Ever Have Any?

    We Cannot Criticize Kamala? Oh Yes, We Can

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    In less than 12-minutes during an Oval Office address to the American public, President Joe Biden desperately tried to sound noble without mentioning he was pitifully forced to drop out of the 2024 president campaign, while asserting some lofty questions and statements. 

    “When you elected me to this office, I promised to always level with you, to tell you the truth…" he stated.  

    But, then he did not. 

    “Does character in public life still matter?”

    Yes, it does and yet, Biden's ’Farewell Speech’ proved once again that Joe Biden fell short on character because he was not transparent.  

    Americans were led to believe the purpose of the speech was to offer insight about how he changed his mind from Friday when Jen O'Malley Dillion, his 2020 and 2024 campaign manager, had been absolutely adamant about Biden staying in the race, and the catalyst that led to president to change his mind last Sunday at 1:46pm when he posted on X that he was ending his 2024 democratic presidential campaign. 

    Why is it historically significant? 

    Because no incumbent president has dropped out of the race like this since LBJ dropped out in 1968. Matter of fact, LBJ dropped out well before now back in 1968. 

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    Biden has garnered 14 million votes during the 2024 primary/caucus season although his pitbull political operatives did everything in their power to thwart any seriously challenges. They worked overtime to knock out Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. from any serious competition within the Democratic Party. Even if RFK, Jr. had won primaries or caucuses, the Democratic National Committee was claiming the winners other than Biden would not get their delegates. 

    When RFK, Jr. then pivoted to run as an independent last October, the same DNC pitbulls orchestrated by O’Malley Dillion and Anita Dunn and others negotiated with CNN that RFK, Jr. was not on the network's debate stage with Biden and Trump on June 27.  

    Now, the public is being asked to believe Biden’s hollow words Wednesday about dropping out to “unite my party in this critical endeavor,” or as he stated, “Nothing can come in the way of saving democracy.“

    To Biden, climate change and Trump and every other issue are existential threats. It is the end of democracy if the democrats lose power. No, it just may be that common sense and sane policies win if the democratic progressives are beaten by a landslide. 

    Perhaps, RFK, Jr. was also an existential threat and that was why they worked so hard not to be fair to him. 

    Biden’s choice of words and delivery, or lack thereof, blew up his own credibility Wednesday, and those who orchestrated his tangled and protracted ouster by the likes of Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Hakeem Jeffries, major donors, and every political democratic operative were not the least bit ashamed in abandoning Joe Biden. Their brawny bluster of backroom shenanigans was transactional. 

    Only America today does not know exactly what the quid pro quo is, but we know there is the 'Delaware Biden Way,' which will eventually surface. 

    "We love you, Joe - This was ‘just' politics moving you to the curb," the powers-that-be exclaimed. 

    That was not how the Biden family received their demands. 

    Biden’s declaration that he was “putting aside any personal ambition for the sake of democracy,”also was not credible Wednesday. 

    The president offered no explanation why he had come to his conclusion to drop out, and once again he was expecting the American public to buy into his feckless and haughty statements. 

    The truth is that he is dropping out because the next steps pressuring him to drop out of the race would have been harsher, if he had decided to stay in the race. 

    Biden dropped out not to “save democracy,” but to “save his legacy” if there is one because his fellow democrats were determined to get him out of their way for their own political survivability for the house, senate, and down ballot democratic races.

    They see the potential of a tsunami coming their way. 

    Biden's decision has nothing to do with unifying the country or his party. Matter of fact, it was never his decision in the first place. It was his critics’ decision to stop the bleed with his name at the top of the ticket. 

    The selfish political intervention targeting his exit was of epic proportions. The party powerbrokers knew he has the potential to lose in November. 

    The question was whether his burn was going to set the entire democratic house and senate elections on fire with his name on the top of the ticket, and melt the down ballot races like the Wicked Witch in the Wizard of Oz. 

    The party turned on Joe Biden. His family was resentful. Biden and his family were angry and felt betrayed. But, how could they? 

    Who betrayed whom is for the historians. Who knew about Joe Biden's dementia and when will offset any betrayal in the history books.  

    The bottom line is those who refused to support Biden's 2016 presidential candidacy repeated their rejection of the president yet once again while he was sleeping in the White House. 

    Their rejection stung now like a baseball bat to a bee’s nest. 

    The White House press office stated that ‘Scranton Joe’ was not resigning over health issues earlier this week. There was no coverup hiding his dementia even though those close to Biden were aware. He was not a lame duck president, but that is what he is no matter how he massages his reality. In their eyes, he is toast burning their lights. 

    One need only remember that former President Barack Obama is no novice when it comes to throwing an opponent under the bus.That is "Obama's Chicago Way.” Obama has had a long friendship with Kamala Harris well before she became a U.S. senator. 

    Now, that the mantle has been passed figuratively, there is still the coronation - the official ballot vote - and who knows between now and then if all will be smooth sailing for the democrats and Kamala Harris.

    How the democrat powerbrokers have handled this situation is the antithesis of democracy and a slap in the face to those 14 million voters, who may have decided upon someone other than Kamala Harris if the primary/caucus were really open and if their national convention were to be open. 

    For now, the baton has been thrown to a woman whose White House staff had a 92% turnover rated. That does not sound like a fun or healthy place to work. It sounds more toxic and chaotic. 

    Ironically, Kamala Harris, who promotes the 1619 Project, is a descendant of slave owners, which she never addresses. 

    She is in favor of getting rid of red meat, plastic straws, criminal charges for those who come to the U.S. illegally and private health insurance. 

    The vice-president is against fracking and drilling, and says she will sign a federal bill that legalizes abortion even though the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that the legality of abortions is left to the states. 

    She has called 18-24-year-olds “stupid,” and called for free tuition for college-bound students. 

    She has been in favor of decriminalizing marijuana and admitted she has smoked marijuana.  While a prosecutor, she convicted those engaged with marijuana crimes and sent them to prison.

    She has even raised the idea that perhaps criminals in jail ought to have the right to vote. 

    She is for the green new deal and has mentioned a reduction in population in the same paragraph. 

    In August 2020, she blamed Trump for closing down the Gain of Function Protect Project at USAID so she is in bed with PHARMA because that industry benefits from this unregulated and dangerous Frankenstein science. 

    Harris has bragged for years, and even as recent as this week, that she has prosecuted sex offenders ignoring a glaring gap in reality. 

    While a prosecutor in San Francisco, and later as the California Attorney General, Catholic sex survivors have repeatedly challenged her for years for not releasing documentation that would have helped these Catholic sex survivors with their civil suits. 

    As the Catholic dioceses were imploding over sex scandals twenty years ago when Harris was first elected to be a prosecutor, the California legislature passed a bill extending statute of limitation for civil sex abuse cases. Her predecessor worked with victims and their attorneys, but when Harris took over the office, she shut down that co-operation with the Catholic victims and their lawyers for access to the files on the perverted religious. After she was elected California Attorney General she stood her ground and continued to deny the victims access to these files. 

    In the future, the public needs to remember that Kamala Harris did not stand with Catholic Church sex survivors. 

    The victims believe that is because of the political power of the Catholic Church in San Francisco and Los Angeles. In San Francisco, where she began her political career on the arm of former Speaker of the California Assembly Willie Brown, it was a political no-no to go after the Catholic Church. 

    She also failed on the immigration border issue and is in favor of sanctuary cities. 

    But, the day after Joe’s ‘Farewell,’ there was an attempt to claim Kamala Harris was never the 'Border Czar.'  

    This is the leader that Biden endorsed on Wednesday as “the best way forward to a new generation,” and “the best way to unite our nation.” 

    Biden mentioned that he was going to finish his tenure. In the near future, he is going to make news strides “defending our personal freedoms.” 

    That alone is at odds with the facts known so far and scrutinizing Kamala Harris is neither racist or sexist. 

    Is she who she says she is and did she do what was her responsibility or is she just a political puppet with an enormous ambitious appetite who will say and do anything to climb that Peter Principle ladder? 

    If she is for drag queens in front of children then that may explain why she did not help the Catholic Church sex survivors? 

    If she is for any age receiving puberty blockers and operations that mutilate a child's body without parental consent, the public should be asking what donors are contributing to her campaign? 

    That is the standard that should be applied to Vice-President Kamala Harris.

    Biden's legacy will forever go down in history as that of the Biden-Harris administration completely in violation of the First Amendment and all of its five pillars - freedoms of speech, assembly, religion, press and petitioning the government. 

    The Biden-Harris administration will be forever be mired in violating laws and later legally swinging it out in courts proving that is the only way Biden knows how to govern - by violation and litigation. 

    In the meantime, the GOP-led House passed a resolution Thursday "strongly condemning" Vice President Kamala Harris for her performance as the border czar.

    Congresswoman Elise Stefanik (R-NY), House Republican Conference Chair, introduced the resolution. 

    It formally condemns the Biden administration for failing to "secure the U.S. border," pointing to 9.7 million illegal immigrant encounters nationwide since January 2021.

    The House passed the resolution - 220 to 196 - with the support of all Republicans and six Democrats.

    “I’ve asked her, the VP, today — because she's the most qualified person to do it — to lead our efforts with Mexico and the Northern Triangle and the countries that help — are going to need help in stemming the movement of so many folks, stemming the migration to our southern border,” Biden said at a White House migration meeting over three years ago, on March 24, 2021. 

    Retired Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz revealed that he never 'had one conversation' with Harris during the two years he headed the agency. 

    Harris's role in securing the nation's border is likely to resonate with voters as it has consistently polled as a top issue for voters this election cycle. 

    A Harvard Harris poll at the end of March found that immigration was the number one issue - above inflation or the economy.  

    In June 2024, another poll found 62% of Americans favor a mass deportation to remove the recent illegal migrants.  

    Vice-President Harris has disagreed with that position for years. 

    "An undocumented immigrant is not a criminal," she posted on X in 2017. 

    "It's ludicrous to say we're going to deport 12 million people. Now how are you going to do that?" she posted. 

    As Vice-President and as 'Border Czar,' Harris has only visited the U.S.-Mexico border once.  

    She did so in June 2021 after a contentious interview with NBC News' Lester Holt, in which she claimed 'We've been to the border,' and Holt responded forcefully, 'You have not been to the border.'

    '…And I haven't been to Europe,' Harris snapped unashamedly.

    Two weeks later, Harris and her team visited El Paso, Texas.

    Just this past week, tens of thousand illegal immigrants have been reported marching in a caravan from Guatemala heading to the U.S. border hoping to arrive before the November election. 

    During his ‘Farewell Speech,’ Biden characterized Harris as “experienced, tough, capable.”

    “She’s been an incredible partner to me and leader for our country,” said President Biden. 

    She's experienced all right, but not for dealing with reality any more than Biden is. 

    Harris was never "tough" with the Catholic Church on behalf of those survivors raped by the Catholic religious and the church's coverup. 

    That is called institutional human trafficking and the southern border crises is another human trafficking operation. 

    If a woman does not care about protecting children - other people's children - it does not matter whether someone is a pope or a president, that person is not a "tough" and "capable" leader. Furthermore, if she has never done her job when in a position to protect children that says it all. 

    She is not a leader because she lacks the moral courage to do the right thing just because it is the right thing to do to protect all children. 

    Today, in America, we have over 500,000 unaccompanied minors crossing the southern border. There are tens of thousands of children who have gone missing and unaccounted for which is a national moral failure and a concerning national disgrace. 


    Christine Dolan

    Christine Dolan is a seasoned Investigative Journalist, television producer, author, and photographer. She is Co-Founder of American Conversations whose format focuses on in-depth analysis of critical issues about “the story behind the headlines.”
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