• FAR Left Lawyer Elias SUES To Stop Trump

    October 17, 2024
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    More Ludicrous Lawfare

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    Deep State tool, attorney Marc Elias, has filed over 60 lawsuits vs. Donald Trump and the RNC for LEGAL acts. Some believe he is Trump’s worst enemy. Like most all on the left, Elias and his gang break the law 24/7 then point fingers.

    Remember that “Projection” thing? Where they accuse us of what they are doing? See how easy it is to find it in action?

    Elias accuses Republicans of things like requiring ID to vote, and cleaning voter rolls of those who are NOT ALLOWED to vote. Elias is suing Republicalns for upholding the law.

    Horrors! I’m not even going into the other 58+ of those ludicrous suits, which are guaranteed to be similar. Lawfare against our laws.

    Part of the goal is, of course, to waste our funds. The Left has lots, from Soros and the Hollyweirds, but it doesnt seem to be helpling.

    According to a newly disclosed Republican National Committee memo, the Trump campaign has filed or joined 123 election lawsuits in 26 states, 82 of which are in battleground states, to combat what it describes as voter fraud. It has also hired thousands of lawyers to fend off what a Trump lawyer expects will be “an onslaught of litigation” from the Harris campaign contesting the results of the election.

    The use of “lawfare” in our elections has increased since the Left has begun to lose the hearts and minds of the people. They lied to attain that, over the years, and now they must lie to get it back. Elias has been their chief sh*t-shoveler for a long time.

    This is, of course, the case in 2024, where it has reached fever pitch. Desperate people do stupid, dangerous things, foremost of which is they NEVER follow the laws of our land. If they get close, it is on what I call a “rubber rendition” - a point of law that can be stretched and reapplied, almost always out of context.

    Someday soon, it may all snap back in their faces. We pray.

    So it is with Elias. He is one PRIMO LEVEL dung slinger.

    Marc Elias is a Democrat party elections lawyer, with a double Duke degree. He was head of political law at Perkins Coie, which firm has become famous for the Steele dossier describing alleged attempts by Russia to promote the presidential campaign of Donald Trump. During the campaign, the Clinton campaign and the DNC paid Perkins Coie $5.6 million and $3.6 million respectively. Et. al.

    He was John Kerry’s campaign lawyer in 2004. I won’t go on, you can smell him from here. For fun and/or a better whiff, click the link above and “read all about it.”

    Interestingly enough, Axios tells us that, in 2023, the Biden team split from Elias over disagreements as to how best to do the deeds, and capture the 2024 election. Elias was left representing the US Congressional Leftists and state candidates, while Biden and the DNC went elsewhere. Again, according to Axios that noted leftist mouthpiece, the divorce reflects a larger fight within the party on the best legal approach to expand and protect voting rules AND that the president's team wants to be more selective in picking legal fights, especially going into a 2024 election that could be especially litigious. The president's team wants to be more selective in picking legal fights, especially going into a 2024 election that could be especially litigious.

    Much of it was over money. In 2021 alone, the DEMs paid out well over $20 million for various defenses of the 2020 fraud. Elias often did not consult the DNC or the White House before filing lawsuits affecting voting rights and election laws in key states and at times disregarded their concerns with cases, Democrats familiar with the internal deliberations said. Cocky little guy. So, another, Joe, dumped him. Probably because someone told him to….

    Let me suggest what ‘s involved here - another replay of their favorite BS-based sob stories , “Disenfranchisement”. They are wearing this one into the ground. The clouds of that garbage being shoveled, is causing eyes around America to water up. But it is definitely NOT in sympathy for the “poor downtrodden”, most of whom have tiremarks of the Democrats Party, all over their backs; many of whom, lay down there willingly for the free stuff. Many of their former voters, like the black and Hispanic communities, are abandonoing them at record speed. If you want close-to-accurate numbers, don’t forget to search with StartPage.

    America is opening their eyes, and rubbing out the smoke. You can see it in the strength of the Trump-Vance ticket and the massive crowds they draw, even in “blue states.

    Never forget, the howls we hear from the left are NOT about America’s rights to vote in free and fair elections, but about how they can use liers (as in to wait in ambush) and liars to achieve their goal - the destruction of our Constitutional Republic.

    Central to it all is our Constitution. Our precious founding document still applies. The more the Gloablists/Communists/Marxists/Democrats try to shred it, the more Americans are waking up to those sounds of freedoms being destroyed.

    Should that ever NOT be the case, our freedom, our families and our productive nation will be gone. I’ve said it a thousand ways, but it bears repeating. The enemy is trying to piss on Lady Liberty’s torch until it is extinguished once and forever. Don’t let it happen! Sorry for the term, but it is so apt.

    Be a VIP Voter - Vote In Person on election day. THAT is our job. ( Thanks to Cleta Mitchell for reminding everyone of my phrase which I’d put on yard signs in Virginia before the 2020 election. Heard her mention VIP voting on a recent interview and was happy to see that my slogan had stuck!)

    Do a “Bongino” and take 10 people with you to the polls to vote, as close to Nov. 4 as possible. That is one simple way that we can multiply the chances of a Harris crash-and-burn. She and TT, her running mate, have SO worked hard at doing this themselves that I, for one would like to help them along. - straight to the bottom.

    ‘NO AD’ subscription for CDM!  Sign up here and support real investigative journalism and help save the republic!  


    Kat Stansell

    Kat Stansell is an international banker turned stay-at-home mother turned grassroots activist and writer. She has worked with local boards, county and state political organizations, and served on election teams of three US Congressional candidates. Her writing began 15 years ago with letters to editors. She has been an organizer for large and small events and a columnist for a conservative monthly paper, She now is a national news contributor with focus on local awareness and action. She believes that party labels are useless and the cause of much of the national angst today. America's only two choices are between the Constitutional Repulblic and Communism, Not “R” or “D”.
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